Become A Reviewer

With a team of over 1,500 reviewers spanning the globe, over two thousand books to choose from at any time, and the ability to earn money and win cash prizes, Readers' Favorite has become one of the most popular review companies for reviewers!
If you have a passion for reading and a desire to help authors and their readers, then we would love to have you on the Readers' Favorite team! We do require that you have good writing skills, not only so you can produce professional reviews, but so that you can recognize the quality of the work you are reviewing. In addition, you need to be willing to review digital versions of books, which can be read on your computer or e-reader (Kindle, iPad, etc.) as we only accept digital books for review.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not allow the use of AI in our reviews. All reviews are checked for AI, including the information you provide in your application. You can use spell checkers like Grammarly, but you cannot use any AI functions that help you create or rewrite your work. We only accept 100% original and honest content from reviewers.
You will retain ownership of your reviews, but by reviewing for us you will be granting us unconditional and perpetual rights for us and the author to use your review. In addition to all the places we, you and the author will post reviews, they will also appear in search engines like Google, which recognizes our reviews and formats them with their starred rating, just like Amazon and Goodreads.

Readers' Favorite has become such an important part of my writing life. The rewards seem endless. I've been contacted by a literary agent interested in posting my reviews. I've submitted my reviews as samples leading to other jobs like business book summaries or reviews for the teen market. But most importantly, it truly is a special feeling knowing that you have some small part in helping a writer improve and market their work.

I 've had a great experience these past 5 years as a Readers' Favorite reviewer! Besides having a plethora of books to choose from and an easy-to-use review system, I can honestly say Readers’ Favorite really does care about their authors and reviewers.
Earn money and win cash prizes!
We have a state-of-the art reviewer's area where you will be able to login and view a list of over two thousand books in 150+ genres awaiting review at any given time. Each book has a detailed description and comments from the author as well as other information like book cover, genre, page count and everything you need to know to select stories that you are interested in. We also send you a daily email with the details of all that day's new available books for your convenience.
Once you select a book, you can immediately download it to read and review. You will be required to complete your review in about 3 weeks and post it through our convenient online form. If you need more time, no problem. If you decide that you do not want to review a book you have started for any reason, you can easily remove it from your list and choose another.
We will post your review on Google Books, KOBO, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as on our website. You can post your review anywhere you like except Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Google Books and KOBO because your review will already be posted there.
$100 Monthly Giveaway

Although this is primarily a volunteer position, we also pay a small amount for each review and a little more for Express reviews. But this money is not enough to be considered payment for your services and should instead be thought of as a gift that can add up to a tidy sum over a couple of months. In addition, every month one lucky reviewer will win $100 in a raffle-style giveaway. All earnings will be paid via PayPal.
As nice as these cash bonuses are, the real compensation comes in the form of an endless supply of great free books to read, increased notoriety and experience as a book reviewer, and the knowledge that you are helping authors and readers.
You will also be able to place our Official Reviewer seal on your websites and social media pages to let others know that you are an official Readers' Favorite reviewer.
Earn money for writing articles
In addition to earning money writing reviews, you can now earn money for writing articles! We have hundreds of helpful articles for authors. But this is just the start, we want thousands! As one of our Reviewers, we will pay you to write articles for us on topics that you are interested in that will help our authors. Your name will be on each of your articles to ensure you receive proper credit for your work. You can write as many as you like, as often as you like! All earnings will be paid via PayPal.
Review Ownership
You retain complete ownership of your reviews. By agreeing to review for us, you agree to give us credit in the review as "Reviewed for Readers' Favorite" and grant us and the author permanent rights to post your review in any place or website at our discretion.
When we post your review we will include your name to give you proper credit: "Reviewed by [YOUR NAME] for Readers' Favorite." We will also post your biography and picture on our About Us page and link it to your website, blog or Facebook page. In addtion to all the places we, you, and the author will post your reviews, they will also appear in search engines like Google, which recognizes our reviews and formats them with their starred rating just like reviews from Amazon and Goodreads. You can see an example with David Baldacci's book, Hell's Corner.
Reviewer Ratings
Because it is critical that our reviewers provide quality reviews, we ask our authors to review your review. When you complete a review, the author will be able to login to their Author's Area and rate that review on a 5-star scale as well as provide some brief comments.
We use this information to help us ensure the quality of our reviewers and reviews. We will provide this feedback to you so you can improve your skills. Don't be afraid of these ratings and don't be afraid of being honest. Sometimes it's the poor reviews that end up helping authors the most. Remember, authors are resilient people. They just want the truth, and we want you to give it to them. All we and the author ask is that you read their book thoroughly and provide your honest opinion.
Reviewer Terms and Conditions
If being a Readers' Favorite Reviewer sounds like something you would like to do, please read our Terms and Conditions.. It is a very simple, straightforward document that explains your role as a Readers' Favorite Reviewer, which you must agree to it in the application form below. Thank you!