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10 Reasons for Writing Flash Fiction - Part 1

Many published authors sharpen their craft through writing flash fiction which is not surprising considering the benefits of writing in this style. Writing flash fiction comes with many benefits to a writer that eventually result in the ability to write and write well. These benefits are discussed in this article.

Benefit #1 - Exposure

Think about it, would you rather read a novel from an author you have never heard of or from an author you are already familiar with? When it comes to short pieces, a reader is less likely to be too choosy with regard to what they want to read and from whom the piece comes. A catchy title and an article that can be read in a matter of minutes are likely to bring more exposure to a less known author than a novel or other longer pieces. There are also many more options for publishing flash fiction than whole books, given their brevity.

If you are a new author or you are planning to write your first piece, flash fiction may be the way to go to gain some exposure before writing a book. It has the additional benefit of exposing your style to potential readers. You can consider writing short stories and emailing them to subscribers, if you already have a list of them, for readers to familiarize themselves with your work and give them a glimpse of what they should expect from your first book.

Additionally, as you get your flash fiction published, you build up a list of your published works which can eventually get you published.

Benefit #2 - Develops your Writing Skills

Writing flash fiction develops the writer’s skills as they continue practicing writing short stories. It helps you learn how to write focused pieces that contain all the necessary details without the presence of the unnecessary ones. Writing flash fiction helps a writer develop clarity in terms of the message they want to convey and helps them learn the best way to convey it.

When it comes to editing, flash fiction allows the writer to learn editing skills that will be beneficial in their future writing endeavors. As discussed earlier, the writer learns to strip their work of everything that can be excluded without affecting the impact of the article.

Benefit #3 - It Expands your Market

Some writers generally prefer shorter stories and writing both short and long articles will help you tap into both markets. Flash fiction also has the advantage of being easier to write in terms of the time taken to produce it. This allows the writer to engage in short projects as they work on long term ones.

You also gain meaningful feedback from readers which helps in improving future work. This can save the author a ton of time and resources in writing a book when it comes to knowing what readers want and what the author should avoid. This feedback is invaluable if given by the right sources and experienced readers. With shorter pieces, the feedback is more frequent and can come from diverse platforms.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu