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10 Reasons for Writing Flash Fiction - Part 2

Benefit #4 - Helps in Learning How to Write in Different Genres

As a first time author who is undecided on what genre they should explore, writing flash fiction can help you get a feel of different genres and then decide which one is the most comfortable for you. Flash fiction comes in different forms and the fact that it is quite short means it could potentially help a new author be able to select the right genre. Longer stories have the disadvantage of being time-consuming which may translate to time wastage when the author discovers they are not passionate about that particular genre.

For experienced authors who want to expand their reach to other genres, flash fiction is a great way to do this. Since the author may be unfamiliar with other genres, flash fiction accords them space to be able to experiment and see whether the move is worth it. The author can also experiment on new ideas in the genre they already write in and gauge the reaction of their readers before committing to writing a similar but longer piece.

Benefit #5 - Accumulating them to Form a Collection

After having different stories published, you can always gather them and create a collection and then sell the book independently. Like poetry, flash fiction stories have the benefit of belonging to a collection which can be sold separately. The stories need to have something in common. It could be the genre they belong to, the lesson they inspire or even the type of characters they contain.

This possibility of reselling your work makes it worthwhile to try out flash fiction. To make the collection a winner, include the stories that mean the most to you and that have gathered notable recognition.

Benefit #6 - Bringing back to Life Old Unpublished Novels

If you have an unpublished book lying somewhere and you are still figuring out what to do with it, consider breaking it down into smaller pieces and then selling them separately. As a whole, your book may not have done well but when broken down into shorter stories that capitalize on the best aspects of the novel, you never know, it could lead to the success you had envisioned for your work.

Before separating the subplots, be honest with yourself and only work on the parts of the novel that were the most appealing. Leave out unnecessary details as longer pieces tend to have a lot of those. Peel the pieces completely and use powerful but few words to tell your story.

Go through the feedback you got after writing the book and analyze what made it fail and what publishers would have preferred instead. As you work on the independent plots, let this advice guide you on what to include and what to get rid of.

You can also use the novel as a way of creating new and more exciting ideas that may be similar to the original story but which have been enhanced to ensure the stories are more enticing and entertaining.

Flash fiction has its benefits, which if maximized, could lead to better success in your writing career.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu