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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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10 Tips for Getting Paid to Write for Listverse - Part 3

So, here we are, the final part of 10 Tips for Getting Paid to Write for Listverse. This is where it all comes together, and the money comes winging in.

Don’t Let Rejections Set You Back

You got your subject, you worked out an angle and you wrote the title of the century. Your list was unique, it was interesting, it entertaining but … it got rejected. Why? What went wrong?

In all honesty, it could have been just about anything. It might not have been as unique or as interesting as you originally thought. Maybe it was too close to a list that had already been published. Really, it doesn’t matter why it got rejected, you must not take it to heart. It isn’t personal but I do know how hard it can be to get rejected when you have spent hours slaving over something to get it just right. Don’t give up; one rejection doesn’t mean everything you do will be rejected. They don’t want to keep knocking you back, so they won’t reject just for the sake of it. Work out where things went awry and fix it with the next list, and the next one, and so on.

Learn to Take the Rough with the Smooth

This time, I’m talking about the comments section that goes on every list that is published. These are the bane of every online writer! If you get comments that are complimentary, then it is easy to puff yourself up too much but, if you get negative comments, then you can suffer from a loss of confidence. Learn to deal with it – if you are earning money from writing, you must be able to take whatever gets thrown at you and all of us deal with these comments in different ways.

Some writers refuse to read them, others devour every word and respond to every comment. It's up to you; if you want to get into a friendly argument with a reader, then go for it. For some writers, it’s an effective way of learning where they are going wrong and what they do right, nothing more. One thing to remember – if every comment on your list is very negative, see it as a good thing. Why? Because you’ve got some reaction and that means you are on the right route.

Include Your Email

When you write for Listverse, your name goes on the published list so think about adding your email, so people can get in touch with you. You might want to set up a dedicated email address for it, so your own inbox doesn’t get bombed every day. You might be surprised at what people write to you; that your list has helped them in ways you could never dream possible. Sometimes, an email can give you just the push that you need to carry on.

Let’s Get Writing

What’s stopping you? With more than 8 million people potentially reading your list and the bonus of getting paid to write it, I promise you will never have a moment's regret. So, get down to it and start getting your ideas out to the whole wide world.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds