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10 Ways To Polish Your Writing

10 Ways To Polish Your Writing

1. Avoid Long-Winded Statements: Long-winded explanations and unnecessary details are boring, exhausting, and take the pleasure out of the reading experience. If the additional explanation adds very little or nothing to the content, leave it out. Read an example of the statements below.

"Martha closed her eyes as he kissed her. She loved the way his lips felt against hers and all the emotions it brought out in her. She knew she would not see him again and wanted the moment to last as long as possible."

"Martha savored every moment of their final kiss, knowing that it was all she had to hold on to until they met again in two weeks."

As much as the two statements deliver the same message, the second one is shorter, sweeter, and definitely flows better.

2. Avoid Redundancies: Redundancy occurs in two forms - either by using words that add nothing new to the content or repeating an idea. For example, it is better to write "She was a seasoned banker" than "She was a seasoned bank with many years of experience."

3. No Long Sentences: Trimming your sentences makes your work clearer and more fun to read. If you need to use more words to drive a point home, then use more sentences. This, however, does not mean that you must completely get rid of long sentences. Use a mixture of long and short sentences.

4. Clarify: If you sense any lack of clarity in a statement, rewrite it. Someone should not have to read a statement more than once to understand it. The best way to ensure clarity is by making sure that you have a precise grasp of what you want to say.

5. Use Simple Language: Except in cases where you need to use technical language, always opt for simple words and straightforward statements. Not only do simple words make your content more appealing, there are fewer chances of misusing them.

6. Avoid Generic Masculine Reference: Many writers often default to using the pronoun 'he' in situations where gender has not been specified. This is not correct and some readers might even find it offensive.

7. Avoid Vague Language: Be specific in your writing and save the reader the burden of guessing what you meant to say. Whether one is reading fiction or nonfiction, vague language destroys the flow.

8. Consistency: Consistency is very important in improving the flow of your content. Instead of saying, "I was a bus driver, I had a job waiting tables, and I also worked as a mail delivery boy" say, "I drove a bus, waited tables and delivered mail."

9. Avoid Using Passive Voice: Using active voice keeps your work more direct because it often reduces the number of words you need to use. Instead of saying "She was driven home by her husband" say "Her husband drove her home."

10. Avoid Unnecessary Self-Reference: This is a big issue when it comes to nonfiction writing. Statements like 'in my opinion', 'I believe', etc, are not always necessary. Your reader already knows this. Use them if you have to, but do not over do it.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Faridah Nassozi