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11 Common Blogging Mistakes that Waste Time – Part 3

Well, we are here, the last three blogging mistakes to avoid if you want to keep your readers and not waste their precious time.

Mistake Nine – Your Topic No Longer Interests You

And if it doesn’t interest you, why would it interest your readers? When you no longer care, it shows in your writing and your readers will soon slink off, feeling as though they are no longer important to you. Good posts are filled with passion and enthusiasm and it will show.

But how do you maintain enthusiasm for a subject that you are bored with?

Talk to your readers; find out how you can improve their lives. Look for experts in your topic and see if you can find some new angles to write from. Look at topics that may be related and see how you can use them in your posts.

Perhaps the most important, only write when your blood is up; when you have the enthusiasm.

Mistake Ten – You Only Take Five Minutes to Edit

Are you one of those writers who come up with impeccable work the first time around? If you are then you are a superior writer because most people need to edit their work several times around. You should edit each post at least four times before you even consider posting it.

Look at how it flows. Are the paragraphs in the right order? Can any be removed without taking anything away from your post? Take out anything that isn’t relevant and polish up your sentences. Reword long ones to cut them in half.  Remove any words that aren’t needed and check for grammar and spelling.

Put your effort into editing and your posts will be easier to read with a clearer message.

Mistake Eleven – Your Personality is Missing

The chances are, the topic of your blog is something that thousands of other bloggers write about. So, what makes you stand out from the crowd? When you write without using your personality, you become the same as every other blogger in the same niche; you blend in and you get lost.

How do you get your personality to come through? How do you use that to provide value?

Have a look at your topic from a different perspective. Present your arguments in a way that suggest the opposite to what many others believe to be right. Use your own sense of humor and let it guide you. You need to develop a voice that comes from within, shows your audience a little bit of who you are and why they should be listening to you and not to the others. Your readers don’t just want your content, they want to know who you are too.

The harsh reality is this:

Your readers are not interested in yet another post;

Your readers really don’t need any more tips or advice;

Your readers want you; they want your unique take, your wisdom and your ideas on your topic, not everyone else’s ideas.

The very worst thing you can do is take your readers for granted. Their time is valuable so don’t abuse it.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds