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12 Cool Tips On Writing Faster – Part 1

Every writer wants to know how to write faster; who doesn’t want to get more done in less time? After all, being able to write faster means meeting your targets quicker and having more time to spend with your friends and family, not to mention more time to read!

And, of course, it also means more time for writing more books.

Implement the 12 tips in these two articles and you will become a far more efficient writer!

Tip 1: Change Your Mindset

The way you approach an assignment, your attitude, has everything to do with the speed you can churn those words out.

Check your mindset. If you spend all your time thinking “I’m not very good at this” or “I’m wasting m time here” then, right from the start, you’ve put your own blocks in the way. Instead, tell yourself that you really can do this, you do have what it takes to write this book or article and you will succeed.

Tip 2: Write Like a Journalist

Which means write about what you know and then research what you don’t know. Start writing and mark the areas that need more research. When you’re done, go back, research and fill in the blanks. You might think this slows you down but, because you are not waiting until you have all the details you need, it is actually much quicker.

Tip 3: Or Do All Your Research First

Alternatively, you could settle down and research everything you need first, get properly organized. That way, when you finally sit down to write you can do just that – write. Do make sure you don’t over-research though; information overload is not funny, for you as a writer or for your readers. Get your information, create a rough outline and then write.

Tip 4: Get Into the Habit of Writing Every Day

The very best way of getting the words flowing is to get into the habit of writing every single day. Find the time of day that works for you, a time where you can settle in for a set amount of time, be it 10 minutes or half an hour. Set your timer for your chosen length of time and write. Do not stop until that timer goes off. Don’t do any more than half an hour at a time – you need a break. It doesn’t matter what you write, just write. When the timer goes off, stop and either take a break and do it again or stop until the next day.  It won’t be long before it becomes a habit.

Tip 5: Set Daily and Weekly Goals

But do keep them realistic. They must be goals that you can meet consistently. Start with easy goals and build them up gradually to give yourself a challenge but never set goals that you simply can’t meet without putting yourself under pressure. This doesn’t just help you to write faster, it helps build your confidence in yourself.

Tip 6: Set the Tone

Only you know how you work. Only you know if you need complete silence or music playing. Set up a work area that suits you so long as it is calm and it is free of distractions. Those distractions include your phone, social media, emails and more. Set yourself a time to check on emails and social media and, outside of that time, leave it alone. Add this to writing for a set time per day, not forgetting your breaks, you will find it much easier to get into the zone and, more importantly, stay there.

Join me in part 2 for the last six tips.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds