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12 Cool Tips on Writing Faster – Part 2

How much faster are you writing now? The first six tips should have boosted your productivity quite a lot but if you still need that extra push, read on for more.

Tip 7: Use Text Expander

Text Expander is a cool app that lets you insert a repetitive easily using a quick search or an abbreviation. This is great for email signatures, bylines, author bios and anything else that you need to write regularly. You get a free 30-day trial on it and then it's just $4.16 per month or, if you pay annually, $3.33 per month. A small price to pay to save you time.

Tip 8: Get Rid of The Red Lines

You know those red lines that show up under words as you type? Irritating aren’t they? Well, just turn them off. If you use Microsoft Word, click on File and then Options. Go to the Proofing section and find “When Correcting Spelling and Grammar in Word”. Deselect the options for “Mark Grammar Errors as You Type” and “Check Spelling as You Type”. Red lines all gone.

Tip 9: Fire Your Inner Editor

Your first draft is never going to be your best work. It will always need editing; accept this and your words will flow much faster. Don’t try to edit as you go along, wait until you are done with the draft and then you can go back over it. Yes, you will do a small amount of editing as you write, it’s almost impossible not to, but try to see the first draft as just turning on the tap and letting it flow uninterrupted.  Give yourself the freedom to write badly and you give yourself the freedom to write more. Do that and you write faster.

Tip 10: Forget Your Schedule

Many writers hit a block because they are forcing themselves to write in order to get to the next thing on their schedule. Creative writing is just that, creative. It doesn’t fit well with rigid schedules and the more you force yourself to write, the worse it will be. You need one of two things – a better reason for doing it or a new project. Schedules are a good thing but they are only meant to help you, not chain you to your desk.

Tip 11: Teach Yourself To Type Faster

And have some fun while you do it. There are several typing games to be found on the internet and playing them can help you to improve your typing speed. Most people think much faster than they can type – learn to type faster and the words will flow better.

Tip 12: Raise the Stakes

Raising the stakes puts a little bit of pressure on you and this can be your motivation. One way is to publish your writing goals and list the consequences of not meeting them. Make them painful and you will work to avoid them. Telling everyone about your goals and consequences is also a great motivator if only to save face. It’s not all about pain though; as well as consequences set rewards for meeting those goals.

The 12 tips, all tried and tested, to help improve your writing speed. Implement them all or just choose a couple to start with it, it’s up to you.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds