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3 Tips to Start Writing a Novel

The authors that struggle to start writing novels are usually those that write fiction. There are many ways a person can start writing a novel and mastering all the techniques can turn a run-of-the-mill writer to an excellent author. We shall tackle three main points that a person should tackle in order to start a novel. These techniques are used by experienced writers to get them started and they should work for any other author.

1. Brainstorm ideas for the plot and characters.

Many authors know that at some point they have to start making a story which will give rise to their next masterpiece. How to start making the story puzzles most of them but the answer is simpler than you would think. The only thing that an author should do when he has a story idea is to brainstorm character and plot ideas.

It is a good thing to start with the plot because a good plot should enable you to create great characters. Developing a plot usually starts from a simple idea and developing it gradually until you have a solid conflict which can make a novel. You should always start with a blank page and let your imagination go into overdrive. At this stage, there should be no limit to what you think about and you should not judge the quality of your ideas. Just allow your thoughts to flow and you will have a solid plot in no time.

2. Create an outline.

By this time you should have come up with some good plot ideas from your brainstorming sessions. You probably have several competing ideas for your novel and should have several characters already made up in your mind. You should also have some dramatic events that could help you develop the story structure. When you have all that going, it is time to make a structured format for your novel. In other words, it’s time to create an outline.

In school you might have been taught to make outlines with lists of descending numbers. However, an outline for a novel is much less formal. After all, an outline is for your own personal use and it doesn’t matter how it looks as long as you understand it. In an outline, you should list your cast (characters) and include some basic information on each character. You should also detail the time frame, setting, and finally what should happen in each chapter. You don’t have to make an outline that has this many details, but it is easier to write a novel with a detailed outline that will help you to proceed when you get stuck. A very detailed outline also helps you to create a cohesive story structure.

3. Start writing.

This is where the fun begins. Since you have completed doing the groundwork in your brainstorming sessions and have your outline to guide you, the writing process shouldn’t be too difficult. You should expect a fair share of challenges but as long as you have a solid understanding of the plot, any challenges you meet should be easy to overcome.