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3 Ways to Write a Creative Blog

Actually anyone can write a blog, but you'll discover that blogs come in three different forms. The great blogs that everyone loves to read, the blogs that pass inspection and get read now and then, and the blogs that, like the cheese, stand alone. There have even been blogs that are so badly written you can hardly understand what the purpose of the blog is but nevertheless it is a blog and it has every right to be there. Well, you, of course, want to be a part of the great blogs that draw lots of traffic. So you must make note of what it takes to make your blog stand out.

A blog should be one part information about the particular theme of your blog and one part creativity. It is the creativity which will get people to want to read your blog. The articles you post must address and relate to your reader, give them information they can use, and be easy to read and appealing to the eye. Add in pictures and videos and make your blog shine. Remember, a blog that doesn't attract attention doesn't get read.

Tips on Writing a Creative Blog:

Read as much as you can. Take the time to read the morning's news online, read the latest bestseller, read the newest information which relates to your blog. It will give you new and fresh ideas and will show you what readers like.

Take the time to look over other blogs with the same subject matter as yours. See how they're doing, look at what their blogs are like and see how much traffic they are generating. Then compare them to yours and go several steps higher and makes yours shine above them.

Imagine yourself as a child again who wants to know and asks lots of why questions. Look critically at your blog and ask yourself why – why is this like this and so on. Once you can answer your own questions you will see what needs to be improved on and what is all right. Make things interesting; people don't want to land on your blog and be bored.

Be critical of your own blog; look at it as if seeing it for the first time. Do you like what you see? Can you improve anything? Is anything missing? Jot down your ideas and fix what needs fixing, then do this one more time. If you like what you see then your blog is on its way to greatness.

If you see that there are lots of blogs which cover the same topic, which just happens to be yours, think of a fresh way to approach the topic. Let's say there are three blogs and all three have written about a particular subject. They all say almost the same thing. Now take that subject and look at it from an entirely different angle, find things no one knew, give your opinions, have fun with it and add creative illustrations. You'll see that your blog is the one that will get noticed.