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5 Book Marketing Ideas for Indie Authors
Self-publishing authors are always looking for effective ways to market their books. Despite the difficulty of penetrating this overpopulated market, indie authors have found different ways to get ahead and sell more books. In this article, we discuss five techniques that many successful indie authors have discovered and applied with impressive results.
1. Focus on what sets you apart
This idea is what you need primarily to market your book. You need something that sets you apart from the competition. It can be a unique character, an unusual setting, or an exceptionally intriguing narrative voice. As a nonfiction writer, you can emphasize your prowess or connection to your subject matter. For example, your book about growing a small business can focus on how you built your small business, emphasizing your unique circumstances.
2. Refine your sample chapter
Your sample chapter is the third and final element of your book that readers will experience before buying it. It comes after your cover and description and is the most likely to convince readers based on the quality of your writing. Here, professional editing and formatting are crucial. Also, ensure this chapter contains your hook and your best prose. The “Look Inside” feature on Amazon does not allow you to select which pages readers can see. Your first chapter is your sample chapter by default. So, write and edit your first chapter with this fact in mind. But you can prepare another chapter to use as a sample on your website. You can also use another chapter as a lead magnet for your mailing list.
3. Provide consistent, compelling content
After gathering a list of email subscribers, ensure you’re keeping them engaged with regular and fascinating content. But try not to send emails more frequently than once a week or less often than once every month. Display your creativity with these contents. You can give intimate personal updates, share a piece of creative writing, or fun facts about your subject matter. You’ll get a sense of what sort of emails your readers prefer from their responses and can adjust your content based on that.
4. Consider your market
Evaluate the overall market for your book. You can do this by researching your book’s primary keywords on Amazon and noting the many results that show up when you search them. Know the keywords that sell the most books and those that don't. For example, if you've written a book on making friends, you can search “how to make friends easily” on Amazon Books. You'll see the Best Sellers Rank of the top results under Product Details. If the top three books are bestsellers, but the third to tenth books don't do well, consider another marketing angle. You can try a more specific keyword search, like “how to make friends as an introvert.” The market for this keyword may not be so saturated, which gives you a better chance of selling your book.
5. Host a workshop or webinar
Hosting a workshop or webinar can hook your readers with free info and sway them to buy your book. You can choose to share whatever you like on these webinars and workshops, as long as they are engaging, informative, and related to your genre. It can be a workshop where you analyze other people’s writing. Or a webinar where you discuss how to generate great story ideas. Or you can ask your followers and subscribers what they would like to see.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Frank Stephen