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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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7 Reasons Why Writing a Book Makes You Cool

To some people, writers are nerds; they spend all day in front of a computer; they get upset when you use the wrong grammatical terms and so on but you know that when you finish that book you’ve been working on for months, you feel like the coolest person who ever walked the earth. Here’s why.

Writing is Hard

So many people think they can turn an idea into a book but it never happens. Many don’t bother because it is hard work. Sitting for several hours a day, brainstorming, writing, editing, then a rewrite, more editing, cutting, adding a bit, rewriting again, you know what it's all about. Most people can't do it but you did and that makes you cool.

Editing Hurts

You can put all the effort you like into writing a scene or a chapter but it means nothing if it doesn’t fit with your story. Cutting it hurts, hitting that delete button hurts. But you do it because you know that it's for the best for your book.

It’s Not Possible to Know When You’re Finished

Is your first chapter strong enough? Is your plot meshing as it should? How should your main character walk in this scene? So many questions and 18 drafts in, you still think you may need to do another one. There is nothing to indicate that a finished manuscript is finished, that it's perfect. At some point, you need to say enough is enough. It’s not easy, you did it.

It’s Scary to Cold-Query Agents

It’s like knocking on doors in a strange place and attempting to convince strangers that they love your tattoo and they should invest in it. It takes real guts to put yourself forward to be judged and you did it – successfully.

Rejection Makes You Stronger

It doesn’t matter where the rejection comes from; it stings but you battle on because you have a dream to accomplish. It hurts but it makes you a stronger person and a better writer for it. Determination and persistence are great traits for a writer to have.

Getting Paid For Writing is Hard

All would-be authors dream of a fantastic income and a house by the beach but the advance you get is like a dousing in ice-cold water. Getting paid for writing isn’t easy and when you do, it isn’t a lot. You keep going because it's your dream and you will achieve it.

Achieving Your Dream is Cool

Not many people succeed at writing but you did. You put the time and the effort in, you battled on against all the odds and you didn’t give up. You finished your manuscript and now you are well on your way to becoming a published author. That, in anyone’s book, is truly cool. You are part of a small group of people who go after their dream and pursue it 100%.

Whatever you do to achieve your dreams and goals makes you a cool person and that can never be taken away from you – by anyone.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds