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7 Tips For Any Person Planning To Write A Novel

Write a story you would enjoy reading

When writing a novel, you should not write a story because you think that it might turn out to be a bestseller. Instead, you should think about the books that you really get lost in. If you really enjoy reading sci-fi books, you should consider writing a book in that genre. It is a good idea for writers to get out of their comfort zone but only for short pieces. For a novel you have to write on something you have a passion for. To get ideas for a new novel, make a list of all the things that get your heart racing, things that take your full attention for hours at a time. This list has all the ingredients for a great novel.

Start with developing characters

When creating a character for your book, turn him/her into a living, breathing person in the eyes of a reader. Make the character flawed and believable. Give the character the ability to take the story in all sorts of unexpected directions. If you read about the character and are impressed by him/her, the readers will too. The best character is one that you can talk to like a third party and not as an extension of your thoughts. Give the character a unique personality. Make the character have some deep, dark secrets that would surprise even you, the author.

Give a character compelling issues

Your character should be facing problems that challenge and have him at his wit’s end. The problems should fuel him to move forward and work tirelessly towards finding a solution. Every good story has conflict as its beating heart. It does not matter whether the character is in conflict with himself or other people; conflict should always exist. As an author you should take into account that the conflict will inevitably influence your characters.

Make things happen

No matter how good the characters you create, the story will quickly become boring if nothing is happening. Every scene should introduce one or more important twists to the plot. If a scene does not contribute a lot to the unfolding plot, it is a good idea to make it as short as possible. A short but uneventful scene is more tolerated by readers than a lengthy one.

It should be believable

This does not mean that sci-fi books are bad. When any author writes a book, he creates his own world in which he dictates what is real and what is not. The author defines the laws in his book and he doesn’t have to be constrained by what people think should happen. The story should also flow naturally and avoid being predictable.

Stick with the book

You will be tempted to quit many times but never give in. Finish the story and get it out there.

Ignore people’s rules

Every person will try to tell you what you should and what you shouldn’t be doing. The truth is that you already know best since it is your novel.