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7 Tips to Brush Up Your Grammar Skills

The subject of grammar can be quite a stressful one; not only is it complicated, it can also be quite confusing. That said, the correct use of grammar is critical to the success of your writing so use these simple tips to brush up on your grammar skills and advance in your career as a writer.

Read – A Lot

If you do nothing else, reading alone can help you improve your skills because, as you read, the correct grammar rules are enforced in your mind. Reading out loud can be helpful to solidify what you learn. As a bonus, you will also pick up tips on better vocabulary and better sentence structure and fluency.

Buy or Borrow a Grammar Manual

You can get one from your library or you can buy one. Having a grammar manual to hand can be helpful when you write because you can quickly refer to it when you are not sure of the correct grammar to use.

Review the Basic Rules

Taking a class might help you, but there are better ways to review the basic grammar rules. There are websites and books that go over them, alongside do’s and don’ts on common grammatical errors.

Simple Practice

Again, there are lots of great resources, on the internet and in book form, that can help you to practice and improve your grammar skills. There are lots of websites that make it fun by offering quizzes and games – do some of them, you might be surprised how much you learn. If you really struggle with grammar, set 5 to 10 minutes aside each day to practice and keep on doing it.

Listen to Feedback

If others give your feedback on your grammar, do listen to them. Make a note of any consistent feedback you get because this indicates a specific area where you need to improve. Those are the areas you need to focus on and to practice constantly until you are confident you have it right.

Proofread Your Own Work Out Loud

On occasion, you might read through a piece of work you have written and suddenly spot glaring errors in grammar, huge inconsistencies, and obvious problems. This is because the brain will fill in the information, but it doesn’t always work when you proofread. Try reading it out loud, to another person if you can, because you will find it easier to hear if something is wrong.

Write, Write and Write Some More

Just as reading helps, and speaking aloud helps, so does writing. The more writing you do, combined with the rules of grammar, the better you will be and the more natural it will feel.

Everyone can benefit from a review and a brush up of their grammar skills. Even the most experienced writers still make mistakes, but following these tips will certainly help you to iron out the worst of the issues. You can’t go wrong with regular reading and practice, so build time into each day to do just this.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds