Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

8 Book Promotion Strategies To Hit The Ground Running

For any book to succeed, the author must make sure that s/he gives it the best possible start in life. There are many pre-release promotional methods that an author could use to tell people that the book is coming. No matter how successfully the author managed to promote his book prior to launch, he must double his efforts after the book becomes available. The following are the things every author should do after launching his/her book.

Come up with a great launch strategy

With books, the launch is very important and no author should underestimate it. For a book to sell well, an author needs more than just a few blog posts, tweets, and beseeching emails to family and friends. To launch a book, an author must go all out on his expenditure because the debut is the do-or-die moment for his book. The launch should be held at a unique venue and the venue should be prepared to match the book’s theme. An author can also invite other authors to launch their books because it will increase the excitement across many audiences and platforms.

Sign up for the Amazon Affiliate Program

If you sell online, the money you make should not only come from direct book sales. You should become an affiliate to earn fees on purchases made through your affiliate link. You should have links for more than just your book to increase revenue streams. Hopefully, this money will help to offset your book promotion expenses.

Add your contacts at the end of a book

Every book you write should have a ‘contact the author’ section to enable people to reach you via your author website, email, and/or social media.

Make writing your business

Whether you are online or offline, you should behave professionally so that people, especially your readers, don’t see you as a hobbyist. Unless you are fully committed to your writing, readers won’t be keen to follow your work.

Create a sense of urgency

This is a sales tactic that is frequently used by all salespeople and it can also be used for books. Create time-limited coupons and contests to make people want to buy your book right now. Giveaways are also great as long as readers know that they stand to gain more if they act immediately. You should also make sure that giveaways have some sort of return for your book.

Partner with local merchants

You should approach local store owners and offer them prices, merchant coupons, and certificates to give out during promotions. You should also advertise the perks on print media and on your website.

Link your promotions

When you organize promotions, you should make sure that they run back-to-back so that each promotion gives momentum to the next one. Such promotions will also give people the impression that you are everywhere and this is great for creating a buzz around your book and increasing word-of-mouth marketing.

Be an expert

Authors are told time and again to master their specific fields. When you prove to people that you are an authority on the topics your book covers, they will be more confident about buying and recommending your books.