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9 Reasons Reading Makes You A Better Fiction Writer

Most writers have received this advice: To be a better writer, you need to read a lot. But you think it is better to spend more time writing. Writing more seems so more efficient, right?

Let's look at this suggestion and discover if and how reading a lot can improve your writing.

1. Reading gives you a reader's perspective. When you read, you discover what works in books - how authors grab your attention, use language, writing tools, create characters, set scenes, etc. But it also shows you what doesn't work. It gives you valuable information to incorporate into your book and develops your critical thinking skills. 

2. When you read the works of famous and successful authors, you absorb the many tools they use - their language, structure, and technique. The goal is not to copy, but your subconscious will start to incorporate what you gain into your writing, and you will discover various writing styles.

3. Writing is hard work, and you need to take regular breaks. Reading for pure enjoyment can transport you to different worlds, and as you are absorbed in a story - activate and expand your imagination - which helps you with character and world-building in your book. It is also a great way to reduce the stress associated with looming headlines and writers' block.

4. You are writing for people, so you need to know how they tick. The better we know them, their mental states, how they think, and their feelings, the better your readers can relate to the authentic characters you create.

5. Culture, history, and where they live are an integral part of people's lives. Learning about them gives you more resources to draw from for your world-building and creating exciting and engaging characters. 

6. As in all art forms, you first need to know the rules before breaking them. Reading is a great way to learn about grammar in context. You can discover the answers to tricky questions you have about the use of grammar conventions and punctuation. While you know from reading what works and what doesn't, you also see when and how you can break the rules to enhance your story. 

7. Writing and reading are both activities you do by yourself. Reading teaches you to be comfortable being alone with your thoughts and discover immediacy - reducing the distance between your outer and inner worlds. Now you will have less time to entertain uncomfortable thoughts. Thus you will start writing differently, relying less on metaphors and improving your writing quality. 

8. Words are the most fundamental tool of any writer. Reading gives you an enjoyable way to expand your vocabulary and more resources to draw from when looking for the best words to use. 

9. Also, read outside your genre to discover different tools and techniques and see how you can incorporate them in your chosen genre to give your story a different feel. 

Some people (and writers) just love to read. Start by making reading part of your writing development if you don't. And soon, you may discover that you enjoy it, especially once you start reaping the benefits of reading in your written work. 


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Become a Better Writer by Reading: 5 Ways Reading Improves Writing

5 Unconventional Ways to Become a Better Writer (Hint: It’s About Being a Better Reader)

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Susan van der Walt