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9 Reasons Why You Should Write That Book – Part 3

And now we come to the last 3 reasons why you need to write that book. If you’re not convinced yet, you will be by the end of this.

Reason 7: You get to be a published author

There’s something in seeing a book published, a book with your name on the cover. It doesn’t matter whether it is a printed book or an eBook, it’s all the same. Only you can do this – only you can write that book and publish it with your name on it.

There are plenty of published authors, some of them pretty poor if I do say so myself, that have their names on a book and if they can do it, so can you.

Reason 8: You’ll be more confident

Write a book, publish it – by yourself. You don’t need permission to do it, you don’t need approval, you can do this. And once you have done it, you can do it again.  Your confidence will soar, especially if your book starts to sell. Don’t be the one who says, “I wish” – be the one who did it and did it well. And then do it all again.

Reason 9: You can accomplish so much more than you think you can

Climb one mountain, you can climb another. Write that book and the world really is your oyster. You can climb any mountain you want and you can succeed. Whatever direction your life goes off in, look for more mountains to climb. After all, you climbed the hardest one, the others will be a breeze.

Where you once had a voice in your head telling you that you couldn’t or shouldn’t do something, now it's egging you on, telling you that you can do it, you can do anything you set your mind to.

You Are The Decision-Maker

It’s you who will spend the time and money writing and publishing your book so only you can make the decision on whether to go ahead.

Once the decision is made though, you don’t have to go it alone – you can bring in others to help with parts of the process. You never have to do anything alone; the best novels in the world were written with more than one brain even if the writing was done by one person. Supportive readers and writers can help you:

Be accountable for your weekly goals

Help you with the title and subtitle

By becoming beta readers

By telling everyone about launch day

By writing reviews for the book

By helping you with book promotion and marketing

Involve as many or as few people as you like; it is your name on the cover. This is your baby (but don’t forget to thank everyone who helped you) so never let fear get in the way of you creating something that you can truly be proud of.

All new writers go through this and even the most experienced feel some fear when they start a new book. Write it, publish it and don’t let the fear rule you.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds