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A Case for Writing Short Stories

There some convincing reasons for an author to consider writing short stories. These reasons vary, but are essential to understanding the potential that lies in short stories. Some of their advantages are discussed in this article.

The Benefit of Flexibility

Using short stories to build a book gives an author leeway to use different characters, perspectives, and concepts. Unlike a novel, an author writing short stories can use different personas with different voices. For each story, the writer has the ability to select and build their character of choice while driving the concept and goal that they wish to achieve with the reader. This kind of flexibility has the advantage too of engaging the reader even more as they are not stuck with one character from start to end in a book.   

The Merit of Brevity

With many readers today having little time to read, more are choosing to read short stories because of their length. A short story can easily be read within a day in between lunch or a long bus ride, making it a better choice for most people. A novel, on the other hand, requires the reader to set aside a longer period of time which may not be possible. Readers want the thrill of achievement brought about by completing a book, however short. However, this requires the writer to be precise when writing a short story.

Sharpening a Writer’s Skills

Unlike a novel, when writing a short story, the author has little space to create a compelling story. Most short stories are limited to having only a single key character and their antagonist. Therefore, the author, in this case, does not have the liberty to introduce many characters in support of the key character. In scene development, the selection of words that the author uses must be well crafted to ensure that they achieve the aim of each scene using fewer words. Ultimately, writing short stories helps the author write compactly while only allowing for essential information within any story.

Attracting New Readers

While some readers will take a chance on a new novel whose author they are not familiar with, many readers prefer specific authors whose work they have come across before, especially in the case of novels. Short stories hence can be used by an emerging author to draw readers to their other work. A reader is more likely to read a short story, despite not having read any of the author’s previous books. Once the reader gets accustomed to a writer’s style, they possibly will welcome other books by the same author.

The Ability to Experiment

For authors who are only conversant with a particular genre or are proficient in writing only from a particular point of view, writing a short story can enable them to venture into new styles they never thought they had the ability to execute. Short stories have the advantage of requiring less time to complete as opposed to novels. Using a short story, a writer can explore new fields beyond their experience, then gauge their performance through evaluating their readers’ reception and opinions without committing too much of their time. After all, the writer may be gifted in writing stories in other genres and may never know unless they try it out.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu