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A Humorous Examination of Writerly Anxiety

Being a writer is like going on a wild roller coaster ride through a minefield. Sometimes, it's super exciting; other times, it's terrifying, and now and then, things blow up unexpectedly. We swing between feeling really happy and creative, when ideas flow easily, and feeling sad and unsure, even about small stuff like writing a sentence. We're always worried about not doing well; that voice in our head keeps asking, "What if it's not good enough?" This worry can show up in many ways – from struggling to write and delaying tasks to aiming for perfection and feeling like we're tricking others – each obstacle makes it hard for writers to express themselves the way they want.

Writer's block is a widely used term that defines a phenomenon of a writer who cannot create new work or continue with the existing one due to the lack of inspiration, motivation, or ideas, which results in a cognitive process. Not feeling motivated often comes from being scared of messing up. Likewise, worrying too much about getting things perfect can also stop us from writing. And then there's the most common reason, procrastination, which can make everything feel overwhelming. If you keep delaying, tasks pile up, making it hard to start. Everyone experiences writer's anxiety differently, but it's possible to overcome it with time and effort. It's worth noting that even well-versed authors go through an anxious or temporal creative dull. 

Many writers need help understanding how important their words are and considering the value of their stories compared to all the other stories in books. Milan Kundera's novel "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" portrays the protagonist Tomas grappling with various challenges, reflecting on uncertainty and the search for genuine significance in a world that appears indifferent, which shows the writer's internal struggles. Even the most famous authors had their share of struggles on their journey to success. Perfect examples could be Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar" and Stephen King's "On Writing," which let us peek into a writer's thoughts, sharing everything with us. Reading them helps us realize we're not the only ones facing tough times.

Engaging in activities like taking walks, playing word games, or ensuring adequate sleep can help overcome this anxiety. When taken in appropriate durations, these mental breaks can foster creativity and spark inspiration. Fortunately, writing anxiety often stems from adaptable habits. Recognizing ineffective strategies, such as procrastination or relying on deadline extensions, is a positive start. Now, the next phase involves experimenting with or adopting new habits to enhance productivity. 

However, one of the most important things to know about writer's anxiety is how common it is, realizing you're not alone in facing challenges while writing, leaving a mess of discarded drafts behind. So, how can we make writer's anxiety work for us? Well, it begins with changing our mindset. Instead of seeing it as a problem, we can see it as a way to spark creativity. Because often, our doubts and mistakes can lead to the funniest moments in our writing journey.

Ultimately, maybe the secret to beating a writer's anxiety isn't about getting rid of it completely. Instead, it's about learning to live with it. As writers, we're fueled by the mix of feeling light and heavy, inspired yet uncertain. Even though there are tough times, there's also something beautiful in the struggle. It's about facing fears, staying strong through challenges, and believing in the magic of words to change things.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Manik Chaturmutha