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A Review of Book Reviewer Yellow Pages

Book Reviewer Yellow Pages is a website that is designed to provide assistance to both book reviewers and authors looking to get reviews. The site is organized into seven main pages: home, shop, mailing list, blog, book reviewer list, blog tour hosts, and contact.

Home: F for Appearance

This site is a great resource for both authors and reviewers and yet their homepage is severely lacking. There is no description about the purpose of the site; in fact there is nothing to entice the viewer into exploring the website. Instead there is a picture of the 8th edition of Book Reviewer Yellow Pages with a small message about how there are new reviewers and hosts in the new edition.

Shop: C for Average

The shop page should be designed to entice viewers into purchasing one or both of the two advertised books, but instead the only thing on the page is the cover of the book, their titles, and links to purchase locations. Nothing special, but also nothing horrible or tacky.

Mailing List: B for Simple and to the Point

The mailing list is very simple, but that makes it viewer friendly. There are two places where a viewer can enter their email to be subscribed to the list for authors or for reviewers.

Blog: A for Appealing and Informative

The blog is the page to visit for new viewers as it is here that the site explains its purpose and works to get the viewer interested. In truth, viewers should skip the home page and go straight to the blog page if they seek a description of the site.

Book Review List: A+ for Idea, but a C for Organization

For authors, the main purpose of this part of the site is to provide a list of the hundreds of different bloggers that are interested in reading and reviewing new books on their blogs, and a description of the blogs, the types of books they are willing to review, as well as the formats they will review. The site does provide a large list of bloggers with information about their blogs, but it falls flat in the organization of the list. The entire list is organized in alphabetical order and while this is great if the author already knows the name of the blog they are looking for, it is not so great for finding a new blogger. There is no search bar or option to see only bloggers willing to review a certain genre or format. So that means the author has to scroll through and read the entire list to find the blogs that would work for their book.

Blog Tour Hosts: A for idea, but C for Organization

This page is the same as the book review list page with the only difference being the purpose and not the organization. This page holds a list of different websites that are willing to run book tours for authors at a price.

Contact: F for Labeling, but A for purpose

The main purpose of the contact page is not to contact the owners of the website, but instead instructions for reviewers on how to submit their blogs for approval. Information on how to contact the owners of the site is merely a small note at the bottom of the page.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke