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Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: Friend or Foe?

One of the largest companies in the world today is Amazon. Millions of people use Amazon to look for products, sell merchandise, offer services, and even publish books and novels. With Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, many writers, newbies and pros alike, now have a platform where they can publish their works in the simplest and most economical way. However, many people are skeptical of Amazon KDP.

There are those who are hesitant, thinking that it’s not a writer-oriented service. Although it has been featured as the second best platform for e-publishing, many still choose not to try it. So, is Amazon Kindle Direct publishing a friend or a foe to writers who haven’t published anything yet? You'd better read on, so that you’ll know whether you’re missing out on a great opportunity or if staying away from Amazon is actually the right thing to do.

What is Amazon KDP?

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a tool that allows writers to publish their books independently and directly on the Amazon Kindle Store. Writers can modify their published works any time. Both well known and newbie authors around the globe have used this self-publishing tool. Because of the wide audience that Amazon caters to, most self-published eBooks on KDP reach many readers. With its fast and user-friendly tools, KDP lets you publish books within five minutes.

It also allows writers to publish their books in six different languages, apart from English - French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese. Another impressive thing about Amazon KDP is that you can retain the format of your eBook. You don’t have to do anything when it comes to making sure that your book is readable on mobile devices. In addition, you can also earn royalties if your book is sold in countries like Japan, Brazil, and India.

To know for sure whether Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a good platform, you have to weigh things up by focusing on its advantages and disadvantages. These factors should give you a clear picture on Amazon KDP’s role to writers.

Advantages of Amazon KDP

This self-publishing tool provides quick and easy publishing. There’s no need for comprehensive IT skills to publish your book online.

It features systematic instructions on how to publish a book.

It only takes five minutes to publish your work.

It has a flexible royalty plan, in which you can choose what you think is best for you.

You can still sell your work anywhere you want, even if you’ve already published your book on Amazon KDP.

Obviously, Amazon KDP comes with all kinds of relevant advantages. With these alone, you’ll already realize that the platform isn’t costly and is hassle-free to use.

Disadvantages of Amazon KDP

The major downside of Kindle Direct Publishing is that all the conversion procedures and format changes are exclusively for Kindle publishing. Books are adapted for Kindle viewing and nothing else.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is an effective and efficient publishing tool. Aside from the fact that it is not costly, you can get other perks from it. Besides, you’d be sure that your book will reach thousands of people. Therefore, Amazon KDP can be considered a friend to authors, particularly those who opt for self-publishing.