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Article Writing – How to Overcome a Lack of Confidence

Some people are of the opinion that anyone can write an article, that it’s dead simple to do. I would agree with part of that – anyone CAN write an article – but it isn’t easy to come up with high-quality articles. This is why some bloggers are more successful in terms of traffic than others are.

Much of the difference comes down to presentation and substance. Your articles must look professional and they must be filled with information that shows you are confident about your subject. No one writer is perfect but you must have confidence in what you are producing; you must be confident that the information is worth sharing with others and this is where some bloggers fall down – a real lack of confidence.

Hopefully, these quick tips can restore your confidence and prompt you to produce high-quality articles.

Tip One – Know Your Subject

It isn’t easy to just sit down and write an article for the fun of it – it requires planning. To boost your confidence, make sure you know about the subject you are writing on – you don’t need to be an expert because all the information is there on the internet. Write the main points of your article down and then pad it out with relevant content. Proofread it, once, twice, as many times as you need to. Read it out loud or get someone else to read it – it’s easier to pick up on mistakes that way and you can hear if the article sounds right.

Tip Two – Learn How to Handle Negativity

Every blogger or writer will get those comments about a typo, about presentation, about, well, anything really. Some readers are not interested in your work, only in picking holes. The important thing is not to let negativity weigh you down. Instead, if the criticism is warranted, learn from it but do not take it to heart. You can’t please all of the people all of the time so don’t even try.

Tip Three – You Don’t Need To Be An Expert

If your lack of confidence is down to you thinking you are no expert, stop. Think about that again. Even those who say they are experts (and those who really are) still make mistakes – we are human and to make mistakes is human. Instead of trying to be an expert writer, focus on being a better writer instead.

In all honesty, negativity aside, if you really don’t feel that what you have written is good enough, put it to one side and start again – do not throw it away, you might end up going back to it. Really and truthfully, the only way to become more confident is to write and to keep on writing. Practice may not make perfect all of the time, but it does help to improve what you do. If you don’t feel confident enough to publish articles, write anything just for the sake of writing, even if you are never going to publish it.

Believe in yourself, write with plenty of positive energy and your confidence will come flooding back.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds