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Author Q and A Sessions Can Help Market Your Book

Every author should hold a Q & A session to help market their book. It is a way for readers and any potential readers to gain an insight into the person who has written their favourite book; it is an opportunity to ask questions and is an opportunity for the author to meet with their readers and hopefully sell more books. The people who attend the Q & A will go home and tell their friends who in turn will tell their friends, so holding a Q & A really is a necessity.

However, many authors are solitary creatures, they are not publicists and generally do not relish standing up in front of people and sharing their life story, although there are exceptions to this rule. This needs to be overcome. The Q & A really can be your best friend.

First, choose a venue that you are most comfortable with, so for example your local bookstore is a good choice. You will be surrounded by books and will be in an atmosphere that is comforting and relaxing. Many bookstores will be more than happy to accommodate you as they will see an increase in customers and then hopefully revenue.

During the Q & A you can have copies of your book ready to sell at a discount price to help entice readers to buy. You can also add a personalised bookmark bearing your book’s name, website and email address. This all adds to the marketing plan and customers will hopefully share the bookmark with friends, therefore helping to increase your sales as well.

You need to give a well presented Q & A and the key to this is preparation. You need to be able to answer any question. Preparation is essential. The first step is to anticipate the questions. A good way to achieve this is by brainstorming with a friend about the possible questions that could arise.

Rehearsing your responses is also key and will help you to sound smooth and more confident. You do not want to appear awkward or uncomfortable as this will radiate to the audience; you want them to be relaxed too if you want them to buy your book and tell their friends. You need to leave a lasting impression so come across as interesting, comfortable and, most of all, enthusiastic about your book.

A really good tip is to take a few moments before answering the question. This will give you time to formulate a response. If you are unsure of the question then ask them to clarify. Another really good trick is to repeat the question; this way the audience is made clear of the question and this also buys you a little time in thinking of a response.

Don’t fear the Q &A as they really help to promote the author and their work. This in turn will increase sales so start planning that Q & A session now.