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Autumn's Bittersweet Symbolism

Contrary to my lover’s tastes, autumn just so happens to be my favorite season. From the spooky yet meaningful holidays to the comfortable cool air drifting through the apartment, to even the colors which embrace the end of the growing season, autumn certainly is a beautiful season. However, writers, artists, and scholars of every kind hold autumn dear to their hearts for other reasons. These reasons are often meanings that give weight to the stories they want to tell. Below are just a few of those meanings.

The Lateness of Life

When autumn arrives, things start slowing down. Plants start to wither and trees change their colors. Their growing cycle is coming to an end and after a short while, they will be dormant until the start of the next growing season. However, this concept relates to people as well. Autumn can relate to a person and their ever-increasing maturity as well. It allows people to reflect back on everything they did and didn’t do in their life. This was shown in Washington Irving’s now-famous story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The story takes place during the fall, where the town is grieving the loss of a beloved citizen, with many of the characters looking back over their own mortality and the mortality of that citizen. 

The Changes

Autumn can also symbolize change. It’s a time when those beautiful colors remind us that changes are a part of life. Many of these changes can either be taken positively or negatively. For instance, changes can relate to the beginning of a new school year, or, as mentioned before with The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the death of a loved one. Despite this, throughout human history, these changes were celebrated through days such as the Autumn Equinox.

The Supernatural

Unsurprisingly, autumn is often hailed as a season filled with paranormal activity, with Halloween being the center of it. The scary costumes people wear were historically used to frighten evil spirits away. Jack-o-lanterns serve the same function. Meanwhile, the Day of the Dead is used to guide the ghosts of dead ancestors back to their loved ones. In Celtic traditions, Samhain was not only used to celebrate the harvest but also used as a marker of when the veil between the living and the dead weakens. There are also more sinister traditions associated with the season. Halloween was often thought of as the witch’s sabbath. It was a day for witches to come together and make black candles, though no one knows what these candles are used for. Also, many Christians believe that, due to Halloween’s association with the supernatural, it celebrated the devil and his worshippers. 

Autumn has often been celebrated amongst many people, regardless of their background. It’s a time when we can usually reflect on our lives, regardless of whether or not mortality is coming. Autumn is also associated with change and can be a time for either mourning or celebration. It’s a wonderful season, no matter the meanings behind it, and a season we will continue to honor throughout time. 

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow