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Best Proofreading Techniques

Whether you are writing a one-page document or a big novel, one of the most frustrating things to do is proofreading and yet it is an absolute necessity. Even with your best efforts, you might still fail to spot some of the errors in your work. Below are some proofreading tips to help you become more effective.

Search For Likely Mistakes: Everyone has different words that they often make mistakes with when writing. These are likely to escape your proofreading efforts too. Have a list of these words and use the search function to check for them throughout the entire document.

Make A Hard Copy: In one of your proofreading rounds, make a print out of the entire document and proofread from paper. For some reason, this makes proofreading more effective. While you are at it, get a blank piece of paper and cover the rest of the page, leaving only the part you are currently reading visible. This makes you focus better than when your eyes keep wandering to other parts of a fully exposed document.

Change The Font: When proofreading from a computer, change the font to one that is very different from what you are used to and increase the font size too. You will spot your mistakes more effectively this way.

Take A Break: Proofreading becomes quite tricky when it is your own work and the words are still fresh in your mind. In many cases, you might read the words in your head instead of what you actually typed out. Taking a break from the work allows you a moment to get the words out of your mind so you can come back with a fresh mind for the final round of proofreading.

Read Out Loud: Putting a voice to the words is a very effective way of spotting mistakes. It is especially effective in identifying poor sentence structure, but will also help you with other mistakes that would otherwise have escaped your eye.

Read Backward: Read your document backward, paragraph by paragraph or sentence by sentence or even word by word if you have to. Reading backward distorts the flow of the document and helps you focus on one particular part. Reading backward sentence by sentence, although very time consuming, is the most effective way of spotting mistakes. Taking it further to word by word is necessary if you want to fix spelling mistakes.

Proofreading software: Even with your best efforts, some errors might still escape the human eye. Fortunately, there is proofreading software to help you detect these errors. Most of this software has both a free and paid version. The free version will identify some basic errors while the paid version goes deeper to look at such things like sentence structure. Grammarly is one such software and very effective too. So, if you can, invest in this kind of software. It will not cost you too much and it will save you a lot of time and the embarrassment that comes with submitting work with errors. This should be the final proofreading step.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Faridah Nassozi