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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Book Promotion Made Easy

Promoting a book has always been one of the most elusive skills for authors to master. However, the fledging self-publishing industry exposed many of the tricks that authors can use to promote their books. The following are some great ways to increase your readership and boost book sales.

Understand the Amazon system

Many authors today sell their books using online retailers, Amazon being among the biggest ones. However, it is sometimes difficult to understand how the systems at online retailers work. At Amazon, for example, you must make sure that your book is properly classified. Make sure that it is listed in the right genre and category to improve discoverability. You should also make attention-grabbing book descriptions. This skill you can learn from a professional copywriter or you can use the Amazon Description Generator.

Write a series

Some authors find it easier to write sequels than others. Sometimes it is not possible for a book to have a sequel. However, every author should know that writing a series is among the best ways to develop a presence. It makes people loyal to the works of a particular author and it also improves sales of older books as new ones are added.

Advertise previous works

At the end of every book, you should make sure that you advertise your previous works. After a reader finishes reading your book and is eager for more, you should pounce immediately. That is the best time to introduce other works even if they were published before the current book.

Create a promo kit

A promo kit is a collection of images, excerpts, graphics, sample tweets and Facebook shares. This kit should be ready at all times in case a blogger or journalist asks for information about your book.

Participate in a podcast tour

You should make a list of author friendly podcasts and find a way to get involved in them. Alternatively, you can create your own podcast with some help from your connections in the literary world.

Attend conferences, expos, and live networking events

You should attend these events and make proposals to present in as many of them as you can. This is a great way to increase your credibility, develop a network of influencers, and gain connections.

Make use of your email signature

You should change your email signature every time you have something important to announce such as an upcoming book. Your signature should also feature the link to your author website or blog.

Organize a workshop related to your book content

This is particularly helpful for nonfiction writers. They should teach people about the contents of their books to establish their expertise in that field.

Design a winning book cover

A surprising number of people in bookstores still buy books based on the first impression they get. The first thing they consider is the book cover and then they read the description at the back. If your book cover does not inspire confidence, you should hire a professional to design a proper book cover. Of course you should design a professional book cover from the beginning because book promotion starts way before your book is finished.