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Book Review Do's And Don'ts

Book reviews are one of a writer's best assets because potential readers trust them above anything else. Previously, book reviews were mainly written by the elite, but we have since moved on and now almost anyone can write a review. This means that authors can now get many more reviews. However, these reviews are sometimes not up to standard. There are some general do's and don'ts that will help you write better book reviews.


Give Your Opinion: What did you think about the book? This is what the person reading your review is looking for so give your opinion.

Be Specific: Mention, in no uncertain terms, whether you liked the book or not and why. Just saying that you liked or did not like it does not really tell the reader anything. They need to know why you loved it or why you did not. Just saying you were disappointed or that the book was terrific is not useful unless backed by clear reasons why.

Be Professional: Keep your review about the author's work and not about the author, and leave your personal beliefs and feelings out of it. For example, do not bash the author or their work just because the main character has the same traits as those of an ex who just broke your heart.

Use A Catchy Heading: Give your review a heading that reflects both the author's work and your opinion about it, but make sure it is striking.

Mention The Book Title and Author: Mentioning the title and author is the professional thing to do and it also makes the review easier to find.

Include A Description Of The Book: Including a brief description of what is in the book puts the book in context for the person reading your review.

Keep It Short: The reader is simply looking for an opinion on whether the book will make a good read so keep your review short and to the point.


Use The Same Title As The Book: Using the book's title as heading for your review is boring and honestly lazy. It implies that you could not be bothered enough to craft a title for your review.

Be Mean: Yes, criticize the author's work in the book if it deserves the criticism, but never get nasty in your criticism.

Criticize The Author's Personality: The review is about what is written in the book and not about the author. It is never about the person who wrote the book, but what they wrote.

Give Just A Summary: The reader is not interested in a summary of the book ,but rather what you think about it. Yes, a brief description is necessary, but more importantly they want your opinion. 

Involve Your Personal Beliefs: Your personal beliefs and feelings have no place in the review. Just because you do not agree with the politics presented in the book does not mean that it is not a good book.

Give Away The Whole Story: This is especially important if you are reviewing a work of fiction. Be careful not to give away the ending of the story.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Faridah Nassozi