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Building A Strong Foundation For Your Story

Once you have the basic plot for your novel in your mind, with an interesting main character, the next thing you must do is begin to build the story layer by layer. A good guide to ensure your story and characters are compelling enough to keep the reader's attention for the entire novel is to ask yourself the question, do you care what happens to them. The first thing you need to be sure of is that your story idea and the main characters are both strong enough to carry a novel. Is your main character's goal believable, is their success of interest to you, do you like them enough to root for them? If you have not written a detailed backstory for the characters, the answer is most probably going to be no. Creating realistic characters that can evoke emotion in the reader because their plight is so real should take as long to create as the actual writing of the novel.

As far as your plot is concerned avoid, if you can, writing a story around a recent current affair event unless of course your plot has a unique twist or angle to the story. To enrich your characters' personalities even further is to include references either through dialogue or preferably through action on how certain situations and other characters' actions affect them.

It is vital that you begin your story at the point where the action hooks the reader's attention immediately. It is also a great idea to write about a topic or subject that you are passionate about. There are going to be times that writer's block will strike, and if you are passionate about your subject, this will help you continue writing when this happens. Remember that your story has to be plausible, even when writing a fiction novel. Read through each chapter and iron out all the discrepancies that clearly do not suit your character. Ensure the dialogue and actions suit your character's personality, this is also why writing a detailed backstory is needed.

The finest characters in literature are the ones that the reader cares enough about to either root for in regard to your protagonist, or the demise of your villain. This is achievable by throwing continual conflicts and obstacles in their way. When the end is in sight and it looks like the character will finally achieve their goal, throw in a curveball and make the situation seem impossible. Include plenty of twists and turns to the plot and keep the tension throughout. These conflicts must increase in severity as the story progresses and threaten to bring about the downfall of your main character.

Your main character's situation must look dire and unachievable, the reader must empathize with your character and desperately want them to succeed. Your character's goal must not only be believable, but also be important enough to make your character go through such awful events to achieve it. Another goal as a writer that you have to achieve during your novel is for each of your main characters to have changed in some way. What can your characters learn about themselves and how can they improve as a person? In reality, people cannot go through any life changing events without either learning something about themselves, others or the world around them. This can be an improvement emotionally, physically, spiritually or financially.

Building your story layer by layer in this way is the most effective way to ensure it is built on strong, believable foundations.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones