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Careers in Creative Writing

When you ask new writers what they want to be, many of them will say an author. More often than not, the reason why they say this is because they might not know any other career aside from writing. In fact, they might not know that you can utilize creative writing in many different careers. Below are just a few of them. 


First, we have the traditional routes of novel writing, book reviewing, and publishing. Becoming a literary agent is also something to consider when you have an obsessive love for books. And don’t forget, the publishing industry is growing, especially with businesses like Amazon and Smashwords nourishing the self-publishing market. While these careers might not be a viable option at first, it’s still a financial hobby that can blossom into a full-time job with enough skill, talent, and luck. 

The Healthcare Field

My dad once took me to a radiation therapist conference where we met an oncologist. He asked the doctor what the most important skill was for a doctor to have. Surprisingly, he said, “Good writing skills.”

This statement is accurate. Many medical schools and allied health schools seek students with good communication and critical thinking skills, and being a writer helps develop these skills. Writing can also help nourish empathy in these professionals because when you’re a writer, there’s a chance you’ll be exposed to a variety of different perspectives and viewpoints, just like you would be in a healthcare setting. It helps you nurture a passion for people and their perspectives, and become more understanding of individuals with different backgrounds. 


Good communication skills come in handy when you’re in a court of law. And as you know, lawyers need to know how to defend their cases and their clients. If you have a background in writing, you’ll know how to play around with words, and come up with creative ways to get ahead of your opponent. It might be the best way to utilize your talents, and it can also be a rewarding career. However, keep in mind that if you’re thinking about going into something like immigration law or healthcare law, you’ll need to have a love of reading, since you’re going to have to look through and know those policies by heart. 


It’s no secret that the marketing world needs creative writers. Badly. Marketing involves coming up with ways to convince potential customers to purchase your product. Sometimes, this could include a catchy jingle, other times, a phrase. However, just like with the other career fields, you need to critically analyze what you’re given in order to make a judgment call on what products should and shouldn’t be marketed. 

Keep in mind that these are some of the jobs that creative writing can land you. Remember that there are other ways you can show your passion for writing, such as teaching, creating, and even blogging. But whether it be from the list above or something of your own invention, keep in mind that there’s always room in society for more readers and writers.  

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow