Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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Create a Kindle Version of Your Print Book and Increase Your Income

Your book is great and you know it has the potential to become a best seller. You have done everything to promote it. You have been to the local bookstores to do book signings. You have promoted the book to all your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Still, the sales are not what your book deserves. Try to create a Kindle version of your print book and increase your income.


Creating a Kindle version is very easy. Go to their website and register. The step-by-step instructions are very easy to follow, even by a not-so-expert computer user as you may be. And don’t worry, it’s free. Just be ready with the details of your book – the title, description about you, the copyrights that you prefer and other minor details. Then be ready to upload your book cover and whole file. And that’s just about it.


As a writer, your utmost priority is to write and finish a book. That would be the ultimate dream come true. However, when that is done, you want to see your book in people's hands and of course, the accompanying financial gains in your pocket. So if you want this to happen, the Kindle version can help you. It can put your book in all the computers (that’s the same as hands) of people.

Why the Kindle platform? First, because when you want the book to sell, you need buyers. And Kindle boasts the highest share in terms of the market. They have around 65% of the buying market.

Kindle can also help you improve your book and make it more salable. They have services and tools. Some of these services are for free while others come with minimal charges.

Kindle is readable on almost all devices. This is a great advantage for you. More devices mean more potential buyers.

Kindle has also revolutionized ebook marketing. They have so many strategies. Your book has more chance of being discovered by readers. Some of these strategies include the lending e-library. The reader can borrow from 4-5 books within a specified time. Sometimes, this is where the buyer will decide on his/her purchase, upon the actual reading of your book.

Kindle’s payment scheme is so user-friendly that buyers would not encounter any problem at all in buying your books. It is actually so easy that in less than a minute, they can avail themselves of your book.

Kindle is a good source of review as well. When your sales hit a specific amount, Kindle will place it on a best seller list, attracting the interest of your readers and buyers as well.

And why Kindle? Because they have been in this industry for a decade now and they have established their integrity and reliability in this industry. With a partner like that, you can expect to have increased book sales.