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Creating a Writing Schedule that Works for You

It is excruciatingly hard for me to stick to my writing schedule. I started a book ages ago and I was stuck in the first chapter for quite some time. Somehow, I do not seem to have enough time to focus on my manuscript. Until I learned a few tips that I have been sticking to, I cannot say that I have become a dedicated author overnight but I am making considerable headway which I am pleased with. Here are a few tips that have been helping me and which I thought could help you too.

Tip # 1 - Focusing on a segment at a time

When I envision a whole book and the enormous amount of pages that I have to write, I suddenly become discouraged. I have learned that it is easier to complete my book if I focus on each chapter and work on completing each one at a time. I usually come up with a suitable title for the chapter I am going to write and focus on building the story to its end point. This way, I am able to handle small bits at a time.

Tip # 2 - Including writing in my schedule

While taking walks or just taking time off, I envision my characters. I imagine them to be real people, having occupations, personalities, distinctive characters and lives. This makes things much easier when I sit down to write. As the thoughts come to mind, I translate them into words. I fashion the scenes and characters just as I had imagined them, although at times I have to alter a thing or two. This way, I do not have to imagine the plot as I write, which can be a tedious process.

Tip # 3 - Matching writing with my hobbies

This point is quite similar to the second but the goals differ. In this strategy, the goal is to view writing as a hobby through pairing it with an activity you already love. This way, writing does not seem like a daunting task that must be completed. It starts to appear like a fun activity that you (almost) look forward to. The most important thing is to trick your mind into writing the first sentence. Before you know it, you will be writing away. Hours may even pass without you realizing it. For my case, I love taking tea in the morning before starting the day. This is the time I set apart to do some writing. The hobby must also be an activity that you frequently engage in; otherwise the whole plan might not work.

Tip # 4 - Create an inspiring writing zone

Have your own lovely nook that you can retire to for some writing. Fill it with beautiful elements that you love. Ensure your desk is in a well-lit area. Light brightens up any place and also your moods too. Make the area functional by adding items that you may need while writing so that you do not have to keep standing and walking over to pick items up.

I hope some of these tips inspired you to write some more. Happy writing!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu