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Creating Your Masterpiece

Everyone has a story to tell - from how to start your own business and expression through poetry to memoirs. For authors to create their best selling masterpiece, they must not only have a compelling story to tell, but they must write it in such a way that it speaks to their audience. To begin that process can become a daunting task for an author.

To create your masterpiece, we will walk through four easy steps that you can take to begin the pathway to your story. Your story is what others are waiting to hear. Don’t let your lack of creativity or writer’s block be an obstacle to it being heard.

To begin the process, let’s first explore the four easy steps to get you started:

#1 Gather.

#2 Study.

#3 Begin.

#4 Write.

Let’s delve a little deeper into how to make the four easy steps work for you by revisiting them:

#1 Gather. First things first. Remember those Post-it notes and other small to large pieces of paper all strewn around the house, office or your car with the various ideas for your book?

Gather all of these pieces and then create an outline. Not only will those pieces of paper that you collected provide you with value and add structure to your storyline, but the outline that you create will help you in formulating your masterpiece. As authors, we always have ideas for a book; sometimes the pieces of paper represent one book while at other times they represent various books.

#2 Study. You have gathered several pieces of paper that contain either part of one book or several books. Let’s focus on only one book for now. Place those pieces of paper into sections pertaining to the chapters in your book.

Chose a section, any section, and study each piece of paper of that chapter. As you study each piece, began to visualize the message that the pieces convey. Do you recall your core thoughts and the concept that you wanted to convey when you wrote on that piece of paper?

#3 Begin. At this point, you can begin visualizing your message. Your thoughts will begin to take shape and become more focused.

Do not focus on putting the pieces in order; just concentrate on those pieces within your chapter. Gradually you will realize that you are creating a mental flow as you work through the process in this fashion. Get comfortable, energized, and grab your tablet or laptop to begin the process.

#4 Write. Do not focus on putting the pieces in order, just begin writing your masterpiece, centering on those pieces. Focus on writing uninhibitedly.

Now that you’re rolling along, more thoughts and ideas about the story should take shape. You may now begin to recall some of the information contained in other chapters as well.

Remember it takes four easy steps to create your masterpiece. So gather your material, study what you initially envisaged, begin the process, write with abandon and enjoy yourself every minute!



Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vernita Naylor