Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Creative Ways Authors Can Promote Their Books

As the industry becomes more saturated with books, it will become increasingly difficult to promote books. Authors must therefore resort to unusual means of promoting their books. However, you don’t have to do extreme things to promote your book, at least not yet. The following are some unique ways that people have found to promote their books.

Give away free books and let people know

An author should consider giving away copies of his book for people to evaluate and tell others about. This does not seem like a revolutionary marketing strategy but it gives you the kind of recommendation that you wouldn’t get anywhere else. If you give a person a free book and the person likes it, he/she will tell friends about it. Word-of-mouth recommendation is still the most common method of book discovery. What’s more, you might enjoy higher conversion rates because people will buy the book based on the recommendation of trusted friends. People you give copies to can also post reviews of your book online which will help others to decide whether to buy the book.

Discuss your book with big names in the industry

It does not matter how far you have to go to get a person on the New York Times bestseller list to talk to you about your book. You can record a video and post it on your website to attract potential readers. Even better still, you can host a live event and invite people to interact with their favorite bestselling author. This will be a win-win situation because the guest author will get a chance to speak to his audience and you will have many more people interested in your own book, especially if it gets a nod of approval from a bestselling author.

Utilize every platform

These days there are numerous ways you can tell people about your book. You can use video chats, quizzes, book trailers, blogs, radio and TV ads, newspapers, etc. As an author responsible for selling your own book, you should enjoy using all these platforms. If there is a platform that you don’t know how to use, take time to learn about it. If all else fails, you can get a person who knows how to use it to promote your book on your behalf.

Book micro sites

When any author has published or is about to publish a book, he/she should already have a website dedicated to that book. It doesn’t have to be an entire website but it can be a website within a bigger website. A book micro site can be used as a one-stop source of information about a particular book. In addition to talking about the topics covered in the book, a micro site can also include things such as the author’s motivation for writing it and a blog for topics related to the book. These sites are very important because they can be used to convince people to buy the book if they are still unsure. A proper micro site should have links to all places where visitors can buy the author’s book.