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Creative Ways to Improve Your Writing Style Quickly

If your writing style is weak, you will not be able to grab the attention of your readers and hold it. Your writing needs to be powerful enough to not only make the publisher like what you wrote but make your readers fall in love with you. With the sheer number of books available to readers, there are far too many options for them to choose from. If they don’t like your writing style, they will simply put your book down and pick up the next one. So, it is imperative for you to make a good impression on the reader on the very first try.

Fixing your writing style is not going to be easy, but it is going to be a worthy effort you will make for your career. Here is everything you can do to make your writing stand out!

Stop using more words than necessary. Cut back on the exaggerations and makes sure that your sentences flow better. Instead of overstating, get to the point and make sure you remove unnecessary words when you go over what you have written.

Another thing that you have to be careful about is over-explaining things. To avoid that, you need to clarify your sentences, make them concise and ensure the subject is the focus of the sentence. Another thing that you can do is to stop making things unintentionally ambiguous. Read what you have written once and see if what you have written is clear or not. You might not be able to see if yourself, so get someone else to read it for you and give their opinion.

Ensure that the plural nouns in your sentences have plural verbs and vice versa. The noun should have the correct pronoun as well. You might have to relearn grammar because sometimes these issues arise when you aren’t sure about the grammar rules.

Another thing that will stump your readers is the use of passive voice. While writing in passive voice isn’t necessarily bad, it is hard to carry through. Using passive voice will also make your writing unnecessarily wordy. By using active voice more often, your narrative will become more attractive to the reader. Use both active and passive voice as it will add to the creativity of the narrative and will control the overuse of passive voice.

Be clear about the metaphors you use. Often authors use mixed metaphors (combining multiple metaphors into one), which can be very confusing for the reader. It will muddle things and make it difficult for the reader to understand what is happening. Instead of doing this, think about the image that you want to describe and then take it from there. Describe it in your own words as this will make the story more real and allow the reader to make a personal connection with the characters.

Remember that everything will take time. Most authors have a hard time breaking bad habits and adopting something new. It is something that you will have to work on consistently; you will have to practice it every day to ensure that your writing improves.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer