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Developing Your Personal Writing Style

Simply put, writing style refers to how you use language. Your specific style is developed from how you use certain features of a particular language to bring out the meaning. As a writer, there is something distinctive about the way you use these features that makes your style unique. Your writing style is portrayed through the words you use and how you use them, your sentence structure, the way in which you express ideas, the rhythm, dialogue, and detail, among other aspects. By developing your writing style, you add a unique tone to your writing. Over time, your style will flow naturally so allow it time to develop. You might even end up developing several writing styles through which you can bring your work to life flawlessly. In the beginning, however, you might need some pointers to push you in the right direction. Just do not rush the process. After mastering your unique and comfortable style, writing will be a lot easier.

Things To Consider When Developing Your Writing Style

Grammar: Whatever style you choose, it must be grammatically correct. Never compromise grammar in an effort to make your style come through. Fortunately, the rules of grammar have relaxed a bit over the years to accommodate more writing styles. For example, it is now acceptable to start a sentence with a conjunction. This has allowed writers to develop more personalized writing styles. Just make sure you are up to date with your grammar so you do not stray outside the rules.

Learn From Great Writers: Learn, do not copy! Studying the work of writers you admire will go a long way in helping you develop your own style. The aim here is to learn from their work, but not to copy their style. Your style should come easily and naturally so do not try to force something foreign onto yourself; chances are, you will not be able to maintain consistency with a copied style. Instead, learn from the works of these great writers and use the lessons to develop your own style.

Consistency: Especially for new writers, it is important to develop a consistent writing style and maintain it throughout your book. A book that has more than one style lacks flow and might read like the work of multiple writers, which is often confusing for your readers. A uniform writing style ensures consistent readability. Some experienced writers have several styles and can even pull off using multiple styles in one book, but as a new writer, you need to develop consistency in your work first.

Flow: Never compromise the flow of your work. With a consistent style comes seamless flow. The flow of your content should be consistent throughout the book. You cannot start your content in a certain direction and all of a sudden decide to move in another. Change of flow is often confusing for the reader and might kill what would otherwise have been a really good read.

Market: The target audience is a key determinant in every decision a writer makes. Make sure that your writing style appeals to your intended readers.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Faridah Nassozi