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Different Types of Dictation and Transcription

When it comes to writing, most writers immediately think of typing with a computer or writing on paper with a pen or pencil. There are, in fact, very few writers that think about dictation as a writing method because only recently have people been able to turn speaking into writing with having to pay a person or service to manually transcribe their words. There are multiple options of dictation available to the everyday writer, both with and without an additional price tag.


Apple’s iPhones, Tablets, and other devices all come with an intelligent personal assistant known as Siri. Now most people use Siri for basic tasks like sending a text without having to manually type it or asking question pertaining to the weather. However, Siri can also be used as a transcription option for turning verbalized words into written words. Siri can easily be used within the Notes app for transcription. This option allows writers to write an article or a book without having to physically write or type a single word. The downside of Siri is that she often autocorrects for the speaker and she sometimes can misunderstand the word that is being spoken. This makes Siri best suited for those who do not want to pay for a transcription, who do not mind doing some proof reading, and those that can speak and enunciate their words clearly.

Transcription Apps

Another option for dictation writing is the numerous paid apps available in the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store, and on Amazon. These apps differ significantly from each other in terms of cost, services, and quality. Some of these Apps have a one-time fee while others will charge monthly or based on the length of the dictation. Some apps have the transcription done via software while others have real people doing the transcription. Generally, the apps that use real people cost more, but they often include better punctuation and accuracy than the apps that use only software in transcription.


Amazon’s Alexa also has skills that make transcription easy and free. One of these skills is called Voice Pad and all the user has to do is say “Alexa ask Voice Pad to Record,” then the writer can simply start speaking. When finished, the writer can tell Alexa to email it to them. Unlike Siri, the user does not need to hold the device, which allows the user to move around the room while dictating. This makes it very easy for the user to multitask. Alexa does share the same flaw as Siri in that Alexa can sometimes mishear a word and proofreading is required both for punctuation and to ensure the accuracy of the transcription.


Many writers who prefer dictation prefer to have an actual person doing the transcription work and, in these cases, most hire their transcription expert through either Craigslist or Fiverr. In these cases, the writer normally records him or herself on a voice recorder and then emails their voice file to their transcriber. One of the big benefits of hiring an individual is that the writer can pay for additional services like editing, word choice assistance, and content advice.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke