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Different Types of Psychology Assessments Part 2


The IPIP-NEO is a personality test designed to assess the personality of the test taker in five main categories: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The results from the test can be very useful if the test taker answered the questions honestly, as the results could help in hiring decisions, group organization, and task assignments. However, the test results are only useful if the test taker answers each question honestly, as a lack of honesty would result in inaccurate results.

Situational Judgment Tests (STJs)

Situational Judgment Tests (STJs) are designed to present job applicants with a work problem or critical situation related to the job they are applying for with the intent of having the potential employee present a solution to the problem (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, n.d.). These tests can be considered fair because the employer is judging how the potential employee would handle different work situations. In this case, the employee’s culture may affect how he or she handles different situations, but that should offer the employer insight into whether the employee would be a good fit for the position or not.


The WAIS-IV was developed to assess cognitive intelligence and examine the relationship between intellectual function and memory for ages 16 to 90 (Wechsler, 2008). The WAIS-IV has 15 subtests that are split to include ten core tests and five supplemental tests, which provide four index factors: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed (Mohamed Abdelhamid et al., 2019). The WAIS-IV is an individually administered test; trained technicians can administer the test, but professionals with training in assessment and experience with standardized clinical instruments must handle the interpretation of the test (Climie & Rostad, 2011).


The MMPI-2 was developed to assess personality traits and psychopathology of people who are suspected of having mental health issues. The MMPI-2 can be administered individually or in groups to those over the age of 18 using either a paper or a computerized version of the test. The scoring can also be completed by hand or by computer, but a qualified mental health professional with extensive training in MMPI-2 interpretation must interpret the results (University of Minnesota Press, 2020). The validity of the MMPI-2 is determined by the test taker as the test is only a valid test if the test taker answers each question honestly.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality inventory that is designed to measure psychological preferences in how individuals perceive the world and make decisions based on these perceptions. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test can help individuals to have an enhanced understanding of their own personalities, which in turn can help them to make better and more informed decisions about their lives, goals, and careers.

The Role of Technology in Assessments

Technology plays a large role in psychological assessments as it allows individuals to take self-reported assessments in the privacy of their own homes. The technological aspect of assessments allows some assessments to offer immediate scoring to the test taker without any delay. In the case of assessments that require scoring from a trained psychologist, the technological aspect of the assessments can make it easier on the scorer. The test scorers do not need to struggle if a person does not have clear handwriting or to be at the same location as the test taker (for tests that do not have interview elements involved in the assessment).



Climie, E. A., & Rostad, K. (2011). Test Review: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment29(6), 581–586.

Cohen, R., & Swerdlik, M. (2018). Psychological testing and assessment, 9th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Custom. 

Mohamed Abdelhamid, G. S., Gomez-Benito, J., Abdeltawwab, A. T. M., Abu Bakr, M. H. S., & Kazem, A. M. (2019). Hierarchical Structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition with an Egyptian Sample. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT37(3), 395–404.

University of Minnesota Press (2020). MMPI-2 Training Slides. Retrieved from

U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (n.d.). Assessment & selection. Retrieved from

Wechsler, D. (2008). WAIS-IV: Technical and interpretive manual. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corp.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke