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Do Writers Need a Writing Journal?

Every writer needs a place to store new stories and character ideas. A writing journal is the best place to do so.

There is no specific type of writing journal. It can be of any shape or size. If you want, you can even decorate it with doodles and art. You can even use a digital one. 

Why keep a writing journal?

The first question that comes to mind is why? Why should one keep a writing journal? There are so many ways a writing journal benefits a writer.

A writing journal is where you can collect all your ideas about plots and characters in one place. It also keeps track of your inspirations and helps you explore every new idea. You do not have to scribble down your thoughts on a random piece of paper and then forget about it. A writing journal will keep all your ideas safe. Also, it is easier to carry around. This convenience increases when it is in a digital form. 

How to keep a journal?

The first step will be to choose between a physical and digital journal. There are pros and cons of both. A physical journal is preferable as it helps you focus better than the digital one. It is totally up to you to choose the one that would be more convenient. 

Being consistent will help you a lot. Try to write every day, even if it is just fifty words. Consistency is the key. Writing every day will help add writing into the day-to-day habit. 

Carry your journal with you. Inspiration is everywhere. It is in the everyday conversations of people and the events happening around you. So keep your eyes open and your journal closer. 

What to write in a journal?

One can write anything in a writing journal. It is a personal space to shape your ideas. You can begin by noting down the story ideas and scenes you have in your mind. 

One can note down every idea that comes to mind. Be it a thought or forgotten memories. These can be the raw materials for the characters. So when those random questions pop into your mind, write them down.

A journal is the best place to know your character deeply. Write about their thoughts and memories. Craft little details that come to your mind. What would your character buy if they were in this shop? Questions like these are a great way to get into the characters' psyches. Write those questions and figure them out. It will help in building a realistic character. 

Additionally, the journal can be a practice space. Write the description of the place you are visiting. What does it look like? Write about the conversation between two people or the description of the people around you. It will help in building descriptive writing.

Keeping a journal has several pros. It will help you in every aspect of the writing process. Even if it is messy or overly organized, it is yours. The possibilities are endless. Most of all, it is super fun.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Manik Chaturmutha