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Doing More with Less Time - Part 1

As writers, we are faced with deadlines, tight schedules and family responsibilities all at the same time. Yet somehow, some manage to get it done. We all wake up with the same number of hours available to us. How we use this time is what makes the difference. This article is meant to help anyone - especially writers - to maximize the little time they have.

It is okay to say no

As our responsibilities pile up, we may feel the need to say yes to every opportunity available to us or to fulfill the requests of people around us. However, we should not feel guilty prioritizing what we believe is most important to us and our goals. We should assess each opportunity or request and weigh its importance before acceptance.

If you are interested in an opportunity but you know you do not have the time for it, you can always ask whether you can take it up later. Unrealistic expectations from friends and family should be politely turned down. If possible, follow your answer with an explanation of why you are not in a position to meet their request.

Define important tasks to begin with

It is easy to get distracted by less important tasks, like answering less urgent emails, and ignore more important activities. While these less important tasks may take less time, when you add up the time, you might realize a full hour is gone in trying to get them done. Additionally, larger tasks that require more time and are more important can be done by taking advantage of brief time intervals. You can use the ten minutes available to you before a meeting by outlining the events of the next chapter of your book. This is one task done that will make it easier to pick up your writing next time with a clearer picture of what you want to write.

Set specific periods for picking up your phone and browsing

When working, place your phone away from you where you cannot easily reach it. Turn off notifications for less urgent messages and only pick up your phone when you have an important call. According to research, technology is the biggest distraction we face today. Knowing that your phone is your biggest distraction will help you develop ways to minimize the time you spend on it.

When using your computer, keep your email account closed and only open web pages that are necessary for your work. This will help you avoid the temptation to keep checking for new emails that may not be urgent or important.

Setting aside time, such as during your work breaks, for checking messages on your phone or browsing will allow you time to focus on what is most important but still give you space to engage with friends and check out interesting content when you are not working.

Moments before going to sleep, allow time for planning the next day and going through the day’s activities. During this time, turn off your screens and give yourself time to rest.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu