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Drowning the Voice of Self-Doubt Part 2

Only compare yourself to you

In the modern world we live in, it is a constant struggle not to compare yourself with the next person. As a writer or author, this can become frustrating. As hard as it might be, refraining from comparing yourself with other people will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also help you achieve success faster. This is because discouragement slows down your pace towards success. Constantly flipping through social media channels will only harm your creativity and kill your dreams. Be you and own your path. Everyone succeeds differently and at different times. Give yourself time and allow yourself to grow at your own pace.

Sometimes it is not about you

We have all experienced rejection in life and we have been on the other side where we have had to deliver disappointing news. As writers, we are bound to experience rejection much more than many other professionals. Writing involves being bold enough to put yourself out there and allow other people to judge your thoughts and work. Rejection can be hard to absorb. It is crucial to remember that there are various reasons why your work may be rejected and some of those reasons do not pertain to your competence as a writer. It could be that your style did not match the style of a magazine or site or even your ideas do not fit their current needs. Reasons vary and sometimes they have nothing to do with your abilities as a writer and, even if they do, you can always grow and then try again.

Remember failure is not final

It is a proven fact that the more we succeed, the more we take risks and the opposite is also true. Just because you have failed once, do not let that stop you from going after your dreams. A great way to overcome the negative feelings of self-doubt that come crowding in your mind when you fail is to talk to someone you trust. Additionally, recognize your feelings as just that; feelings. Do not give them more power than they deserve. Allow yourself to grieve but realize that you will recover after some time and you will continue pursuing your dreams, no matter what.

Be gentle with yourself

It always helps when you keep in mind that you are not the only one who experiences self-doubt, everyone does. Giving yourself time to recover and re-set your thoughts is also crucial in ensuring that doubt does not take over. If you have decided to take on a task, start it as soon as you decide. Procrastination feeds self-doubt and the longer you wait, the more the fear will grow. Keep in mind that doubt is not always a clear indicator of whether you will succeed or fail.  You can consider drowning the voice of self-doubt by taking small risks consistently.

In the end, self-doubt is not always a bad thing; it is only a biological response. Still, it should not be a hindrance to exploring our potential and becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu