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Effective Ways To Write Books Children Will Enjoy

When I became a grandmother for the first time, I decided I was going to write a children's book. I felt so excited to embark on this new project but discovered to my horror that my book was a complete failure. I found out the hard way that the subject matter I wanted to write about was not necessarily going to be enjoyed by a child. So, how can you move away from your natural instincts to write about what inspires you and instead make your book inspirational to the children of today? 

The answer is simply to ask them. Children today have totally different desires and needs so to know what sort of books they will want to read, you will have to get to know them. By immersing yourself in their culture, you will soon discover what types of genres, stories, and characters they find interesting. This will also lead you to understand which demographic of children is going to be your target market. There are many elements to consider when embarking on a children's book. I have listed just a few to get you started.  

Dialogue - In order for your book to resonate with your reader, they have to relate to the characters you create. The dialogue, terms, and references your characters use have to be realistic. So, next time you hear children interact with one another, take particular note of their dialogue and the words they use to convey certain emotions. What subjects do they talk about? Do they use certain slang terms? This is all great material you can use to build engaging characters and plots.

Interests -  To gain a better awareness of what interests children, observe how they play alone or with their peers. What sorts of activities do they enjoy? What toys do they like to play with? What do they like to make? If you can figure out what pastimes hold their attention, you are halfway there.   

Development - Children have to go through many stages of their life and each one comes with its own challenges and obstacles which they have to overcome to reach new milestones. By gaining knowledge of the challenges children face at a particular time in their development, you can write unique stories around such conflicts. These stories can empower and inspire children and which they can return to in times of confusion or if they feel overwhelmed by their situation. 

Other Books - There is no greater form of research than taking a look in the children's section of a book store. Which genres are currently popular? Pay close attention to the themes of these books, the characters involved, what conflicts or challenges are the characters facing? Is there a pattern in each book that is currently trending? The observations you make will help you enormously when you write your own book. You will learn how successful children's authors are touching the hearts and minds of their young readers. 

Once you have completed your research using the guidelines above, you will have a great starting point for your own novel. Whatever genre you decide to write, using these basic research methods will give your book a great boost of realism, relevance, and interest. 

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones