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Essential Tips for Writing a Fantasy Novel Part 2

Tip #5 Define the Limits

Even though some of the characters in the book possess supernatural abilities, there should be a limit to their abilities. An undefeatable foe will make the reader become bored and will do little in establishing a realistic conflict where either side could lose. A heroic protagonist who wins every time will also diminish the reader’s anticipation of future events. Limiting the abilities of the characters on both sides will make the story suspenseful. In The Weapons of Woodmyst by Robert E. Kreig, the antagonist manipulates the power of magic but has to depend on a group of queens for power. With the death of each one, his power diminishes. The protagonist, on the other hand, has the ability to command dragons but does not have the power of magic at her disposal.

Tip #6 Use dialogues effectively

Remember that the reader has little to no knowledge of the supernatural characters in the book. You can use dialogue to reveal details about them and their world. For example, you can mark the initial meeting between the humans in the book and the supernatural characters with a conversation. Imagine the kind of questions that a reader may likely have in their minds and try to answer those. This includes where the characters are from, how long they have lived, how they began inhabiting the earth and even their behaviors that could be intriguing to a human being. Fantasy stories develop from imagination and, when used effectively, dialogues can be the medium in which the creativity of the author is seen.

Tip #7 Introduce new elements gradually

Allow time for the reader to absorb each piece of information before including another. Do not introduce all your supernatural characters and their mission in the book all at once as this may overwhelm the reader. Introduce one character at a time and touch on what their role in the story will be and on which side they belong. In Squires of Rainecourt by Stephen Kruse, the protagonists are on a mission to find one of their kingdom’s treasured pieces. At each stage of their journey, they encounter different villains. The antagonists’ strength increases as the plot approaches its climax. The plot is developed gradually and supportive characters appear and disappear when their role is done.

Tip #8 It does not have to be a happy ending

For a fantasy book to have an emotional impact, the characters should experience both good and bad moments. There should be painful losses along the way as well as amazing wins. The end should also not be an entirely happy one. If well crafted, a sad ending could also suit a story and be more striking than a happy one. That is not to say that a fantasy book should not have a happy ending but that the author has different options that they could consider in the creation of the tale.

In the end, a great fantasy story thrives on creativity, surprising characters, and a powerful ending. All these factors can be achieved in many different ways.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu