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Expanding your Readership - Part 1 of 3

Whether you are a blogger, an author, or a writer in any capacity, attracting readers to your content is crucial. After all, we write and post our work publicly for others to read. However, it is not always that simple and sometimes we grapple with finding ways to increase the readership on our platforms. Here are a few tips that will help you as you embark on building a wider audience:

Do not underestimate the power of images

When pictures appear before the text of your article, they give the reader a hint of what you are about to convey. When they are placed at the end, they support the information that you have just completed writing about. No matter where they appear, pictures help to tell the story in a way text cannot.

For children’s books, images are crucial. In adult content too, whether in the case of books or blog posts, pictures deliver your message even more effectively. They also have a stronger emotional impact hence their importance, especially if you are looking for ways to attract more readers to your blog.

It is important, however, to match the right picture with the right content. Choose a picture that readers can easily identify and understand and that they will not have to struggle to attach meaning to. Also, consider the emotions being displayed by the person in the picture and be sure that they are showing the emotional effect you are going for.

Tell a story

For the longest time, humans have been conveying information and lessons through stories. A story has the power to engage your audience more than straightforward content can. Everyone loves a story, but not just any story; a good story. So how do you create a story that readers can enjoy and relate to?

First, consider what the reader already knows and build on that. Do not begin a story without considering what your readers are familiar with. If your blog is about sports, a story on the particular sport you are writing about will be more effective in capturing your audience’s attention than a story based on a topic like politics. Your readers may have already experienced or witnessed the events that you are describing in the work and you will easily win them over this way.

Create a funny story that will entertain the reader. As much as you may be addressing a serious topic, breaking the solemnity with a few moments of fun will keep the reader’s attention on your writing. Do not be cheesy though, just aim at creating a simple but fitting story. Do not try too hard through exaggeration.

Also, ensure that the story connects to the overall piece. If the connection is not clear from the story, then it will just confuse the reader. Read through the work and determine whether someone else will be able to identify the link.

When it comes to telling a story, it is all about being authentic and letting your work feel natural.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu