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Finishing What You Started - Part 1

It is okay to feel stuck sometimes, in certain instances, it is even beneficial. However, when we constantly take up projects and leave them incomplete then move on to something else, this can hinder our success. Part of being successful involves the ability to finish what we have started, which means then that we need to learn why we leave things undone and what we can do to stop this trend. Here are a few tips:

Surround yourself with positive people

One of the reasons many people stop what they had intended to do is because they are listening to the wrong people. Just like positivity, negativity can be transferred. Unfortunately, many times we are surrounded by people who make us feel like we cannot achieve what we have set out to accomplish. As a writer, you need to stay away from negative family and friends. Even if their intentions may seem harmless, in the end, they may cultivate self-doubt in you to the point you just want to give up.

Do not take up everything at once

One of the most important tips when it comes to goal-setting and execution is to set attainable and specific goals. Taking up one project and completing it before moving on to the next will likely lead you to your goals than taking up a range of projects only to get overwhelmed before completing. After completing one project, this potentially boosts your confidence as you take up another task and work on completing it. At first, be careful to set only what you are sure to accomplish so that you can build your confidence in completing future writing assignments.

Keep track of your achievements

The way to learn whether you have been taking up too many projects which you have not been completing is through tracking your progress. This will help you realize that there is an underlying problem that requires your attention. Setting specific points at which you will assess your accomplishments will help you adjust what you need to do in future so that you can achieve your goals. Many times we do not realize that there is an unhealthy trend with relation to completing tasks until it is too late or until someone else points out this pattern.

Consider the possible setbacks

Sometimes we are overly optimistic and we fail to foresee possible setbacks that could occur along the way. When that happens, the challenges take us by surprise and it becomes easy to give up at this point. Keeping an open mind at the beginning of the process and considering what could go wrong will help you deal with obstacles more efficiently when they arise. It will also open your mind to possible options that you can turn to when your original plan does not work out. Even when problems arise that you had not foreseen during the planning stage, making a promise to yourself not to quit regardless of whatever happens could be just enough to see you to the end of the project.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu