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Five Amazing Benefits of Pinterest to Authors

Aside from the usual social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, another site that writers should explore is Pinterest. This site allows users to “pin” selected images on a virtual pin board that is open to the public.

The site’s highly visual characteristics and huge following make it a good avenue for writers to promote their works and connect with their fans. In this post, you will learn more about this ingenious social media tool and its several benefits to authors.

1. It is visual-oriented

Pinterest is like an online scrapbook where you can post images that interest you. Unlike other social media tools, it provides very little space for words. But that’s not a bad thing for authors. You can actually use its highly visual characteristics to entice your readers. Interesting images easily attract most people because they are easier to digest and understand. In addition, these images are also easier to share on other social media sites.

2. Helps promote your blog

Authors commonly use Pinterest to promote their blog and increase readership. If your blog posts have interesting pictures, you can pin them on your virtual board. When people click on the image, they will be redirected to its origin, which is your blog.

3. Interactive way to engage with readers

With this social media network, you can find a lot of interesting techniques to interact with your readers. You can pin an initial version of your book cover and ask your fans for their opinions and input, making them feel part of the process. You can even pin pictures of actors and ask them to vote on who would fit the role of your main character if your work turns into a movie.

Fans frequently ask writers what are their inspirations when they write a book. Why not pin a picture of the places, people, or objects that inspired you? Lastly, you can also try to encourage wish lists wherein a lucky winner will receive a prize.

4. Easier to organize your theme

Pinterest makes it easier for you to organize the theme of your work and build a strong author brand. If you are a science fiction writer, for example, you can pin various images and links that are related to the genre where you belong. Organizing your theme will surely draw the Trekkies, Whovians, and other sci-fi geeks to your board.

5. Effective way to spread information

Learning is more exciting with this social media network. Pinterest is a perfect venue for infographics, tutorials, how-to’s, FAQ, and lessons because of their visually intensive qualities. Here, you can find tips and tricks on how to improve your writing skills. You can even create your own and teach your style to other aspiring writers.

Final Thoughts

Pinterest may not be an orthodox social media tool for authors because of its highly visual characteristics and features. However, if one is creative and resourceful, you can use this site as an effective platform for marketing your book and building a strong connection with your followers.