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Five Social Media Tips For Authors

Social media is very important for authors and every author should create his own social media network. However, it is easy for authors to get lost in the webs they create, especially if they don’t have a social media strategy. In order for an author to create a commanding social media presence, he/she must have a well thought out strategy to create a group of loyal followers. The following are some tips that expert authors should use to manage their social media network.


An author should figure out which social media websites to concentrate on to avoid spreading himself too thin. Authors should find the social media website that his target audience likes the most and concentrate on that website. It is safe if an author sticks to the most popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. An author should constantly try to find out where his audience is to avoid staying on one site when the audience has moved to another one.

Be Social

An author should post, discuss, share, comment, like, retweet, poke, and tag his way into his readers’ hearts. He should be as active as most people in social media websites and then some. Social media websites were designed for people to socialize and to network. Every author must take advantage of these sites because they are the best places for him to meet his audience. They enable an author to make personal connections with his audience. They also enable him to strengthen those connections by sharing his opinions and participating in discussions with his audience. An author must be himself and he must engage his audience if he wants them to do the same.


Although social media websites enable people to share all sorts of unimportant things, they also provide platforms for people who share similar interests to come together. People want to get involved in groups that are relevant to them. They want to know what’s going on in their special interest groups, to be involved in conversations, to relate to other people, to be informed on the latest developments, and more. An author should exude positivity and share with other people the things he has a passion for such as writing. By doing this he will attract many like-minded people and maybe even some fans.


Social media is a very good tool for authors to interact with fellow authors and their audiences. However, too much involvement in social media is counterproductive for anyone, including authors. How do you feel when you log into a social media website and find it flooded by posts from the same person? You don’t feel good at all and sometimes you feel like telling that person that what he is doing is the equivalent of spamming. This is the same way that readers feel if you post too much on social media.

Measure involvement, not numbers

You might have many followers on social media but have few results to show when you try to involve them in your promotional campaigns. This might be because your focus is on numbers and not quality. You should make sure that you get quality followers who will be useful in your efforts on social media.