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Four Ways For Authors To Promote Their Books

When an author has completed writing his book, there are many ways to promote it. Sometimes an author can start promoting his book long before its debut to build interest among his audience. However, there are not many authors who start promoting their books before their launch. For these authors, even if people don’t know anything about their upcoming books, they can start promoting their books shortly before their launch. Promoting a book from the time it launches can be effective as long as you have a good marketing plan.

The first thing to do is announce the birth (release) of your book. Make the announcement in as many places as you can. Make press releases, blog posts, social media posts, announce the launch on your website, announce it on radio interviews, personally tell friends and family, and use any other avenue available to you.

You should make a card announcing the launch of your book. This card should have all the information about your book including its title, author, publisher, and the synopsis. It should also contain a list of places where people can buy the book. If the book is part of a series, announce it as the latest addition to the family.

Your blog should be very busy at the time of your book launch. Use it to update your audience and potential readers about the book. On your blog you can start talking about the book before it is launched to pique the interest of your followers and generate a buzz. Make new posts related to the content of your book weekly and make posts more frequently as your book is nearing its launch date. You can also give your readers a chance to ask you questions about your book. When readers ask questions, you can be sure that they will buy the book when it launches.

Get invitations from local book club meetings to talk about your book. Find out when local book clubs host “author’s night.” This is when a club meets to discuss a book or a series of books from an author. They talk about the story behind the books, ask an author why he decided to become a writer, what inspired his current book, and many other questions. Readers love to know everything about an author. If you get invited to book club meetings, you can give them bits of information about your upcoming book. If you know other authors that love to participate in such events, you can also invite them as a treat for members of the book club. Local bookstores love these kinds of meetings because they attract more customers.

Apart from the methods of promotion mentioned here, there are probably hundreds of others that authors can use to tell people about their books. Every author should get creative when marketing their book because not all forms of promotion work well for every book. Authors also know their audience best so only they can choose the best ways to promote their books.