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Freelance Writing: Getting Your Foot In The Door

Writing can be as rewarding as it can be challenging, particularly if you want to make it a full-time occupation. Regardless of what type of writing you like to do, there are several basic tools that you need to have. Impeccable grammar and spelling are essential.

Beginners are particularly vulnerable and they need to know how to get a foot in the door. This article contains ideas that are essential for beginners and adept writers alike. The ideas given below are applicable for a wide range of writers, but the best advice for a writer is to follow his passion. A writer should try to find assignments about what he knows and enjoys.

Blog writing

Blogs offer great opportunities for new freelance writers to start building a reputation and create content that can be used to show their skills. On the Internet, content is king and blogs are always looking for writers who can provide fresh ideas and insights into topics that interest readers.

If you love doing research and forming your own opinions regarding a particular subject, you can easily find blogs that are eager to publish your posts. Guest blogging is an excellent way to get your work seen and to build your credibility as a writer. As long as you already have a solid portfolio, you can approach blogs and offer to write for them. Chances are that they will accept if you have a convincing reputation.

Technical writing

This is writing that involves quick-start guides, manuals, white papers, technical books, etc. Technical writing requires a person who can clearly write instructions for people who want step-by-step guidance about a particular subject. Technical writing is very lucrative and industries usually approach people with good technical writing skills for their projects. It is difficult to get started as a technical writer, but software and games are great starting points.

Technical writers should be able to write clearly and in a manner that will be relevant for the intended audience.

Video game industry writing

Recent statistics show that 58% of Americans play video games or online and 51% of American households have gaming consoles. There is a huge demand for new video games which has also increased the demand for video game writers. Games usually rely on story lines, characters, scripts, and user manuals. If you are great at writing audience-specific information and have a good understanding of video games, maybe the video game writing industry is for you.

Writing for print

Despite some people claiming that print is dead, it is very much alive. At any one time there are hundreds of magazines looking for good article content for their issues. Writing for print media is as profitable as writing online content. Most magazines accept article submissions from new writers. Any new writer can therefore try his luck by submitting great articles to magazines.

A final word: jump in with both feet

If you have a passion for writing and spend a lot of time perfecting your skills, you should consider making writing a full-time career. According to Ernest Hemingway, 'We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.'