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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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Freelance Writing - The Dos And Don'ts

There are too many freelancers and not nearly enough freelance jobs. So how do you make sure that you stand out from the crowd and get the good jobs? Here are some tips to help you get started or up your game.


Have An Impressive Profile: Your profile is your everything. Make sure it is complete, professional and eye-catching.

Apply for as many jobs as possible: You do not know what jobs you will get so apply for as many as you can.

Have A Conducive Workspace: Yes, freelance writing enables you to work from anywhere, but do not take it literally. A demarcated and conducive workspace helps you get in the zone and goes a long way in aiding your work.

Build A Good Reputation: In the world of freelance writing, your online reputation is your everything. Feedback and ratings from your previous clients will determine whether you get your next job or not. So make sure every client you work with is happy.

Ask Questions: Before accepting a job, make sure you are clear on the client's expectations. Ask as many questions as possible and get all the answers you need to deliver excellent work.

Stay Competitive: There is always someone willing to do the job at a lower fee. Make sure your rates are competitive.

Respond Promptly: Quick response speaks to your professionalism and level of commitment to the job.


Accept More Than You Can Handle: There is nothing worse than disappointing a client. If you get three offers all at once, pick the most favorable and either request for more time on the rest or politely turn them down.

Promise More Than You Can Deliver: Never set or agree to unrealistic deadlines in an effort to impress. Chances are, you will not meet the deadline and instead will end up with a disappointed client and a poor rating.

Accept Jobs Above Your Skill Level: If you do not think you have the skills and knowledge to deliver the client's vision, then do not take the job.

Set Very Low Rates: Just because someone is willing to do it for less does not mean that you should accept less than your effort is worth; chances are you will not give the work your best or you might even quit along the way.

Accept Work Without Financial Commitment: There are way too many scammers on the internet. Unless if you have worked with a particular client for a very long time and created a trustworthy relationship, do not start a project until the client has deposited money into escrow or whatever safe payment method available.

Change Terms Along The Way: Once you have accepted the offer, that is it. Unless if there is a major change in the conditions or the client's requirements, do not attempt to renegotiate the terms along the way.

Take Longer Than You Promised. Respect the delivery timelines you agreed to. Better still, deliver ahead of time and dazzle your client into that perfect rating, and repeat business. Five days should never turn into six, but if they turn into four, that is awesome.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Faridah Nassozi