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Freelancers And Writer's Block

You are a freelancer.  You usually do not know when your next pay is exactly going to be and sometimes do not even know how much. So, you have to put in the hours if you want to get a decent amount. But, then you get stuck. There are no words to write down. One blessing is that you are your own boss. A supervisor is not yelling at you. Would you like to know how, what, when or why during these frustrating moments? Then follow along.

Join a writing group. Such groups can be found all over the internet. They can be voluntary or paid. I, personally, belong to quite a few. Not one for socializing? Simply write down words, whatever they may be. Some may make sense. Some may not. However, freehand has proven to be effective for many, many years. Along with freehand, you have the usual brainstorming. Again, a practice done for many, many years. Following that, talk to a loved one or a friend. For example, a few weeks ago, I was determined to write an article about a certain topic that I was sold on. But, nada was coming to my mind. My friend simply told me to write a story about my personal experiences concerning the topic. All it took was for her to give me that little tip. Now, why did I not think to do this on my own?

Change your routine. Do you usually automatically get up in the morning to attempt to work? Have your coffee and also that often-skipped breakfast. You could also change your routine by writing a greeting card verse, a listicle or a funny slogan. There are calls for these to be submitted all over the internet. Another advantage of being a freelancer is you can take a siesta whenever you like.  Take a siesta whether you are tired or not. By doing so, you get rid of that built-up stress. Whenever you are in bed, keep a memo pad next to you. How many times have we all been in bed, thought of a super topic or idea, fallen back asleep and forgotten it the next day? 

Has your health taken a backseat because of writer’s block? Then, hop on the exercise wagon. Get those feel-good endorphins flowing. Make exercise a daily habit. Have a hobby? Spend some time on your hobby. Use that other side of your brain. Do not have a hobby? Find one. Join a free on-line class, learn new recipes, etc. Maybe change things up a bit by leaving your desk and going to the local library with your laptop.

Are you a quiet person? Turn on some white noise, such as a fan. Do you like loud noise? Turn on some music of your choice. Do you have a cluttered house? Clean your house. Maybe even a five (5) minute tidy-up is all that you need for those much-needed words to come to mind.

You are not the only writer who has this happen to them. You can do it.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo